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Process for isolation of eupalitin from Boerhavia diffusa

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Deepak Mundkinajeddu
Lila Manahas
Rakesh Maurya
Sukhdev Handa

Palabras clave

Información de patente

Número de patente6977294
Fecha de patente12/19/2005


The present invention relates to a process of isolation of bioactive eupalitin (3-O-O-D-galactopyranoside) of formula 1 possessing anti-osteoporosis activity by extraction of powdered leaves of Boerhaavia diffusa, with better yield: ##STR1##

Reclamación (es

We claim:

1. A process for the isolation of 3-O-.beta.-D-galactopyranoside of the formula 1 from aerial parts of Boerhaavia diffusa, comprising: (a) powdering the aerial parts of, (b) preparing an extract of the powdered aerial parts of with a protic solvent, (c) concentrating the extract obtained in step (b) above, (d) triturating the above said concentrated extract successively with a series of at least three organic solvents in order of increasing polarity, the solvents being selected from the group consisting of hexane, dichloromethane, chloroform, ethyl acetate, ethanol, methanol and aqueous methanol in order of increasing polarity to get an enriched bioactive fraction, (e) crystallizing and recrystallizing the bioactive fraction with methanol to obtain 3-O-.beta.-D-galactopyranoside, ##STR5##

2. The process according to claim 1 wherein the aerial parts of Boerhaavia diffusa are selected from the group consisting of the leaves, the stems and a combination of the leaves and stems of Boerhaavia diffusa.

3. The process as claimed in according to claim 1 wherein the protic solvent used for the extraction in step (b) is selected from rectified spirit, methanol, and aqueous methanol.

4. The process according to claim 1 wherein the organic solvent used in step (d) is in the order of hexane, chloroform, and ethyl acetate.

5. The process according to claim 1 wherein said extraction of the powdered plant material with a protic solvent is carried out in a glass percolator or in a Soxhlet extractor.



The present invention relates to a process for isolation of bioactive eupalitin from Boerhavia diffusa. More particularly, the present invention relates to a process of isolation of bioactive eupalitin (3-O-.beta.-D-galactopyranoside) of formula 1 possessing anti-osteoporosis activity by extraction of powdered leaves of Boerhavia diffusa, with better yield ##STR2##


Boerhavia diffusa Linn. (Syn. Boerhavia repens Linn., Boerhavia procumbens Roxb.; Family Nyctaginaceae) popularly known as Punarnava' is an important rejuvenative drug used in Ayurveda. It is widely distributed throughout India and flourishes during rainy season. The aerial parts then disappear but revive or sprout again next year [Sivarajan, V. V. and Balachandran, I. Ayurvedic drugs and their plant sources; Oxford & IBH publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 1994]. Dried matured whole plant constitutes the drug in Indian Herbal Pharmacopoeia [Handa, S. S., Deepak, M. and Mangal, A. K. Indian Herbal Pharmacopoeia, Regional Research Laboratory, Jammu & Indian Drug Manufacturers Association, Mumbai, 1998, Vol. 1] which also describes its salient macroscopic and microscopic features.

Biodiversity, tribal association [Anand, R. K. Flora and Fauna 1, 167-170 (1995). Medicinal & Aromatic Plants Abstracts 18, 2620 (1996)] and variants [Mathur, A. and Bhandari, M. M. Geobios New Reports, 2, 35-38 (1983)). Medicinal & Aromatic Plants Abstracts 5, 0643 (1983), Varma, S. K. Biological Bulletin of India 5, 50-52 (1983). Medicinal & Aromatic Plants Abstracts 6, 0467 (1984)] of Boerhavia diffusa and chemotaxonomic findings [Bramadhayalaselvam, A. and Rajasekaran, K. Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany, 18, 499-500 (1994)] in Nyctaginaceae have been discussed. Many rotenoids have been isolated from the roots of the plant [Ahmed, M., Datta, B. K. and Rouf, A. S. S. Phytochemistry 29, 1709-1710 (1990); Kadota, S., Lami, N., Tezuka, Y. and Kikuchi, T. Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 37, 3214-3220 (1989); Lami, N., Kadota, S., Tezuka, Y. and Kikuchi, T. Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 38, 1558-1562 (1990); Lami, N., Kadota, S. and Kikuchi, T. Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 39, 1863-1865 (1991)]. These include a series of boeravinones viz., boeravinone A, boeravinone B, boeravinone C, boeravinone D, boeravinone E and boeravinone F. Punarnavoside, a phenolic glycoside, is reportedly present in roots [Jain, G. K. and Khanna, N. M. Indian Journal of Chemistry 28B, 163-166 (1989); Seth, R. K., Khanna, M., Chaudhary, M. Singh, S. and Sarin, J. P. S. Indian Drugs 23, 583-584 (1986)].

Three flavonol glycosides viz., eupalitin 3-O-.beta.-D-galactopyranosyl-(1.fwdarw.2)-R-D-glucopyranoside, eupalitin 3-O-.beta.-D-galactopyranoside and 6-methoxykaempferol 3-O-.beta.-D-(1.fwdarw.6) robinoside from the Boerhaavia repens whole plant [LL J., LL H., Kadota, S. and Namba, T. Journal of Natural Products 59, 1015-1018 (1996)] and a C-methyl flavone have been isolated from Boerhaavia diffusa roots [Indian Journal of Chemistry 23B, 682-684 (1984)]. Also isolated from Boerhaavia diffusa roots are two lignans viz., liriodendrin and syringaresinol mono-.beta.-D-glycoside [Lami, N., Kadota, S., Kikuchi, T. and Momose, Y. Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 39, 1551-1555 (1991)]. Presence of a purine nucleoside hypoxanthine 9-L-arabinose [Ojewole, J. A. O. and Adesina, S. K. Fitoterapia 56, 31-36 (1985)] a dihydroisofuroxanthone-borhavine [Ahmed, B. and Yu, C. P. Phytochemistry 31, 4382-4384 (1992)] and phytosterols [Kadota, S., Lami, N., Tezuka, Y. and Kikuchi, T. Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 37, 3214-3220 (1989); Kadota, S., Lami, N., Tezuka, Y. and Kikuchi, T. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 76, S201 (1987)] from the plant are reported.

Hepatoprotective property of Boerhavia diffusa has been investigated and confirmed by different research workers [Chakraborti, K. K. and Handa, S. S. Indian Drugs 27, 161-166 (1989); Chandan, B. K., Sharma, A. K. and Anand, K. K. Journal of Ethanopharmacology 31, 299-307 (1991); Rawat, A. K., Mehrotra, S., Tripathi, S. C. and Shome, U. Journal of Ethanopharmacology 56, 61-66 (1997); De, S., Ravishankar, B. and Bhavsar, G. C. Indian Drugs 30, 355-363 (1993)]. The plant possesses potent antifibrinolytic and antiinflammatory activities and is recommended for the treatment of IUD menorrhagia [Barthwal, M. and Srivastava, K. Advances in Contraception 7, 67-77 (1991); Barthwal, M. and Srivastava, K. Advances in Contraception 6, 113-124 (1990)]. Boerhaavia diffusa is also reported to possess antihypertensive properties [Ramabhimaiah, S., Stalin, D. and Kalaskar, N. J. Indian Drugs 21, 343-344 (1984)] for which both its angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition [Aftab, K., Usmani, S. B. and Ahmad, S. I. Hamdard Medicus 39, 44-54 (1996); Medicinal & Aromatic Plants Abstracts 18, 2920 (1996)] and Ca.sup.2+ channel blocking effects [Hansen, K., Nyman, U. Smith, U. W., Andersen, A., gudiksen, L. Rajasekharan, S and Pushpangadan, P. Glimpses of Indian Ethnopharmacology (ed. Pushpangadan, P.) 263-273 (1995)] may be responsible. The drug's usefulness in nephritic syndrome has been demonstrated in albino rats [Singh, A., Singh, R H., Singh, R G., Misra, N., Vrat, S., Prakash, M. and Singh, N. Indian Drugs 26, 10-13 (1988)] as well as in humans [Singh, R. P., Shukla, K. P., Pandey, B. L., Singh, R. G., Usha and Singh, R. H. Journal of Research and Education in Indian Medicine 11, 29-36 (1992)]. Purified extracts of the plant increased amylase [Goswami, P. and Sharma, T. C. Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Siddha 13, 48-55 (1992)] and ATPase [Goswami, P. and Sharma, T. C. Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Siddha 13, 135-140 (1992)] activities while decreasing catalase activities in vitro. Roots of the plant also exhibited anticonvulsant properties [Adesina, S. K. Quarterly Journal of Crude Drug Research 17, 84-86 (1979); Akah, P. A. and Nwambie, A. I. Fitoterapia 64, 42-44 (1993). The drug has been found to be devoid of tetratogenic effect [Singh, A., Singh, R G., Singh, R. H., Misra, N. and Singh, N. Planta Medica 57, 315-316 (1991)]. Punarnavoside had antifibrinolytic activity in monkeys [lain, G. K. and Khanna, N. M. Indian Journal of Chemistry 28B, 163-166 (1989). Liriodendrin blocked Ca.sup.2+ channel in frog heart single cells [Lami, N., Kadota, S., Kikuchi, T. and Momose, Y. Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 39, 1551-1555 (1991)] and hypoxanthine 9-L-arabinoside produced depressor and negative chronotropic effects in rats and cats [Ojewole, J. A. O. and Adesina, S. K. Fitoterapia 56, 31-36 (1985)]. A methanol extract from the whole plant of Boerhaavia repens was found to inhibit bone resorption induced by parathyroid hormone (PTH) in tissue culture [LL J., LL H., Kadota, S. and Namba, T. Journal of Natural Products 59, 1015-1018 (1996)]. Bioactivity guided fractionation of the methanol extract indicated the concentration of activity in the n-butanol soluble fraction. From the n-butanol soluble fraction eupalitin 3-O-.beta.-D-galactopyranoside was isolated and was found to have significant (p<0.001) inhibition of bone resorption induced by parathyroid hormone (PTH) in tissue culture. The activity shown by eupalitin 3-O-.beta.-D-galactopyranoside was more than that exhibited by lpriflavone, a clinically used natural product derivative for the treatment of osteoporosis in Japan and Italy, under identical conditions.

The compound eupalitin 3-O-.beta.-D-galactopyranoside was isolated by Li et al [LL J., Li, H., Kadota, S. and Namba, T. Journal of Natural Products 59, 1015-1018 (1996)] as follows: The shade-dried Boerhaavia repens whole plant (1.2 kg) was chopped into small pieces and refluxed with methanol for 3 h (900 ml.times.2). The total filtrate was evaporated under reduced pressure to obtain a dark green mass, and this extract was suspended in distilled water and partitioned with chloroform and n-butanol successively. The n-butanol soluble fraction was purified repeatedly by preparative TLC to yield eupalitin 3-O-.beta.-D-galactopyranoside (14.4 mg, 0.0012%).

Li et al Process has the Following Major Disadvantages

1. The process employs Boerhaavia repens whole plant, which contains lesser amounts.

2. 6 Hours reflux with methanol is not sufficient for complete extraction of eupalitin 3-O-.beta.-D-galactopyranoside.

3. Methanol extract is suspended in distilled water and partitioned with chloroform and n-butanol successively. During partitioning with chloroform eupalitin 3-O-.beta.-D-galactopyranoside gets distributed into chloroform layer also, thus reducing the final yield of compound of formula 1 from butanol fraction.

4. The compound was purified by expensive, tedious and time consuming Preparative Thin Layer Chromatography yielding minute quantity of eupalitin 3-O-.beta.-D-galactopyranoside (14.4 mg, 0.0012%). This process of isolation, being tedious and uneconomical, can not be accepted for the commercial production of eupalitin 3-O-.beta.-D-galactopyranoside.

Osteoporosis is one of the major problems in our aging society. Osteoporosis results in bone fracture in older members of the population, especially in post-menopausal women. In traditional medicine, many natural crude drugs have potential use to treat bone diseases. Since eupalitin 3-O-.beta.-D-galactopyranoside exhibits greater anti-osteoporosis activity than ipriflavone, a natural product derivative being used clinically for this purpose, large amounts of eupalitin 3-O-.beta.-D-galactopyranoside are required.

Only a minute quantity of this compound (14.4 mg from Boerhaavia repens dried whole plant, 1.2 kg) is isolated using the process developed by Li et al [LL J., LL H., Kadota, S. and Namba, T. Journal of natural Products 59, 1015-1018 (1996)]. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop an efficient less time consuming process for the large-scale isolation of eupalitin 3-O-.beta.-D-galactopyranoside to enable its easy availability for further studies.


The main object of the present invention is to provide a process for the isolation of bioactive eupalitin 3-O-.beta.-D-galactopyranoside having the formula 1 from Boerhaavia diffusa.

Another object of the invention is to identify the plant part of Boerhaavia diffusa that provides maximum yield of 3-O-.beta.-D-galactopyranoside of formula 1.

Another object of the present invention is to provide a novel process for the isolation of eupalitin (3-O-.beta.-D-galactopyranoside) wherein the process is simple and results in quick isolation of the desired product.

It is another object of the invention to provide a process wherein highly economical raw material, which is abundant in nature is utilized.

It is a further object of the invention to provide a process that is ideal for scale up and does not prescribe any tedious chromatographic procedure for purification and isolation of the compound as in the prior art where expensive, tedious and time consuming preparative thin layer chromatography is required.


The above and other objects of the invention are achieved by the novel process of extraction of eupalitin (3-O-.beta.-D-galactopyranoside) described herein with yields of about 300 times more than reported in the art from the powdered leaves of Boerhaavia diffusa.

Accordingly the present invention provides a process for the isolation of 3-O-.beta.-D-galactopyranoside of the formula 1 from Boerhavia diffusa comprising (a) powdering the plant material, (b) preparing an extract of the powdered plant material with a protic solvent (c) concentrating the extract obtained in step (b) above, (d) triturating the above said concentrated extract successively with organic solvents in order of increasing polarity to get a rich bioactive fraction, (e) crystallization and re-crystallization of the bioactive fraction with methanol to obtain eupalitin 3-O-.beta.-D-galactopyranoside, ##STR3##

In one embodiment of the invention, the plant material is selected from aerial parts of the plant.

In a further embodiment of the invention, the plant material is selected from the group comprising of the leaves and the stem of Boerhaavia diffusa and a combination thereof.

In another embodiment of the invention, the protic solvent used for the extraction in step (b) is selected from the group consisting of rectified spirit, methanol and aqueous methanol.

In a further embodiment of the invention, the organic solvent used in step (d) is selected from the group consisting of hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate, methanol, ethanol and aqueous methanol.

In another embodiment of the invention, the process of isolation of 3-O-.beta.-D-galactopyranoside of formula 1 from Boerhaavia diffusa comprises extracting the powdered leaves thereof in a polar solvent selected from the group consisting of rectified spirit, methanol and aqueous methanol in glass percolator or in Soxhlet extractor, removing fatty non-polar constituents by trituration with an organic solvent selected from hexane, dichloromethane, chloroform and ethyl acetate to get rich bioactive fraction, crystallization with a polar solvent to obtain 3-O-.beta.-D-galactopyranoside (1) in the range 0.25-0.5% w/w. ##STR4##


The process of the present invention overcomes disadvantages of the prior art since:

1. Aerial parts such as leaves of Boerhavia diffusa collected from specific locations identified herein are used (containing the maximum amount of the compound and as established by analyzing the samples of the plant collected during three years).

2. The process prescribes hot continuous extraction (Soxhlet extraction) ensuring complete extraction of compound of formula 1. As compound of formula 1 is not highly soluble in methanol reported prior art process is results in incomplete extraction.

3. Trituration is prescribed of the residue obtained by rectified spirit extraction with hexane and chloroform in which compound of formula 1 does not get partitioned into chloroform layer, thus ensuring the presence of total extracted compound of formula 1 in the rectified spirit fraction after triturition for isolation.

4. The compound is purified by direct crystallization from the residue obtained after triturition described in 3, making it the simplest, quickest, highly economically viable, scale up compatible for commercial utilization and novel method for the isolation of compound of formula 1 with an yield upto 0.4% which is more than 300 times the yield reported by Li et al.

Osteoporosis is one of the major problems in our aging society. Osteoporosis results in bone fracture in older members of the population, especially in post-menopausal women. In traditional medicine, there are many natural crude drugs that have the potential for use to treat bone diseases. Since 3-O-.beta.-D-galactopyranoside exhibits greater anti-osteoporosis activity than ipriflavone, a natural product derivative being used clinically for this purpose, large amounts of eupalitin 3-O-.beta.-D-galactopyranoside are required. Only a minute quantity of this compound (14.4 mg from Boerhaavia repens dried whole plant, 1.2 kg) was isolated using the process developed by Li et al [LL J., LL H., Kadota, S. and Namba, T. Journal of Natural Products 59, 1015-1018 (1996)].

A preliminary screening for the amount of eupalitin 3-O-.beta.-D-galactopyranoside (1) in whole plant samples of Boerhaavia diffusa collected from eight phytogeographically different regions of India indicated significant quantitative variations (Table 1).

TABLE 1 HPLC determination of eupalitin 3-0-D-D-galactopyranoside (1) in different samples of B. diffusa and in different parts of Jammu sample. Constituents, Region of collection India Collection period Means % w/w) Jammu J&K August 1996 0.130 Ramgarh (Bihar) September 1997 0.070 Ranchi (Bihar) September 1997 0.049 Chandigarh September 1997 0.004 Mangalore (Karnataka) December 1997 0.062 Trivandrum (Kerala) December 1997 0.016 Kasaragod (Kerala) December 1997 0.001 Suratkal (Karnataka) December 1997 ND Different parts of Jammu sample Leaves August 1996 0.239 Stems 0.045 Flower 0.031 Roots ND .sup.e n = 3, standard deviation of mean values were in the range 0.000-0.005; ND = not detected

Interestingly the Jammu sample was found to possess maximum amount (almost double than the next sample containing maximum amount i.e. Ramgarh sample). In addition, compound 1 was found to be concentrated in leaves (5 times the amount present in stems) and was absent in the roots.

The results also emphasized the need to have standardized extracts containing known amounts of compound of formula 1 in any further study of B. diffusa for inhibition of PTH-stimulated bone resorption. Furthermore, the extract of leaves may be preferred to that of whole plant as the former is rich in eupalitin 3-O-.beta.-D-galactopyranoside (1), the active constituent.

The process for the isolation of bioactive eupalitin 3-O-(3-D-galactopyranoside of formula 1 from Boerhavia diffusa comprises:

(a) powdering the plant material by known methods,

(b) concentrating the alcoholic extract by conventional method,

(c) triturating the above said extracts successively with organic solvent in order of increasing polarity get rich bioactive fraction

(d) crystallization and re crystallization with methanol by conventional methods to obtain eupalitin 3-O-.beta.-D-galactopyranoside.

Characterization of Compound 1

Compound 1 obtained as yellow amorphous solid, [a]D-26.6 (c 0.03, methanol). UV spectrum of compound of formula 1 had bands (Band I-342nm, Band-II-270nm) characteristic of flavonoids. Bathochromic shift (+45nm) of band-I upon addition of sodium methoxide indicated the presence of hydroxyl group in 3 position. .sup.1 H NMR signals at 6.88 (2H,d,J=9Hz) and 8.11 (2H,d,J=9 Hz) strongly suggested the presence of 4' OH with no other substitutions in B ring. The .sup.1 H NMR spectrum also revealed the presence of two methoxyl groups (.delta. 3.75, 3.93, 3H each, s), a hydroxyl group at 5 position (.delta. 12.56, br s) and an anomeric sugar proton (.delta. 5.41.1H,d,J=7.5 Hz). Literature comparison of .sup.13 C signal.sup.s of sugar led to its identity as galactose [Markham, K-R.; Chari, V. M. Carbon-13 NMR spectroscopy of flavonoids. In The flavonoids: Advances in Research; Harbome, J. B.; Mabry, T. J., Eds; Chapman & Hall: London, 1982; Chapter 2, pp 19-134)] Molecular weight of 1 was found to be 492 (from FAB MS) and that of aglycone to be 330 (from El-MS). Thus the aglycone had three hydroxyl groups, one of which bonded to galactose and two methoxyl groups which was confirmed by the formation of hexa acetate. Since free hydroxyls at 5 and 4' positions were already established, the glycosidic linkage at three position became evident. Positions of two methoxyl groups were assigned C-6 and 7 positions as the NMR signal of the proton (.delta. 6.86, 1H, s) did not show any shift upon acetylation of 5-OH, thus ruling out the possibility of its presence in 6 position. Furthermore, .sup.13 C signals at .delta. 92.0 (C-6), 60.9 (6-OCH.sub.3) and 57.3 (7-OCH.sub.3) were in agreement with the values proposed for similar substitutions in B ring (Horie, T.; Ohtsuru, Y.; Sbibata, K.; Yamashita, K.; Tsukayama, M.; Kawamura, Y. Phytochemistry 47, 865-874(1998).]

Thus the structure of 1 was deduced as 5,4'-dihydroxy 6, 7-dimethoxy-flavonol-3-O-.beta.-D-galactoside (eupalitin or 3-O-.beta.-D-galactopyranoside). The higher yield of compound 1 from the leaves of Jammu sample was further confirmed and standardized by the fact that similar yields of compound 1 (.about.0.2 upto 0.4%) was obtained from the plant collected from Jammu in 1996, 1998 and 1999. The plant is abundantly available in Jammu region during and after the rainy season (July-October). On the other hand, samples collected from other places of India contained lesser amounts of 1 as determined by HPLC (Table 1) thus making them less suitable and less economical raw materials for the isolation of 1.

Thus the location of collection of the raw material (Boerhavia diffusa), extraction and process of isolation of 1 has been standardized for maximum yield of the compound. The process being simple and novel is particularly useful for quick isolation of the compound from the plant for all purposes.

The process for the isolation of bioactive eupalitin 3-O-.beta.-D-galactopyranoside (1) from Boerhavia diffusa comprises:

(a) powdering the plant material,

(b) preparing the alcoholic extract of the plant material by hot continuous extraction in a Soxhlet apparatus,

(c) concentrating the alcoholic extract,

(d) successively triturating [trituration means shaking the extract with the solvent] the alcoholic extract with hexane, dichloromethane, chloroform or ethyl acetate, to get rich bioactive fraction

(e) crystallization and re crystallization with polar solvents furnished eupalitin 3-O-R-D-galactopyranoside.

The yield of 1 obtained by the process of the invention employing raw material collected from appropriate location, the part of the plant containing maximum amount of 1 and without employing tedious chromatographic procedures, is almost 300 times more than the yield reported in the literature using a method which employed tedious and time consuming Preparative Thin Layer Chromatography not suitable for isolating large amounts of the constituent.

The invention is described in detail by the examples given below which should not be construed to the limit of scope of the present invention.


The shade dried, powdered Boerhavia diffusa leaves (1 kg) were extracted with rectified spirit by hot continuous extraction in a Soxhlet apparatus for 32 hours. The rectified spirit was evaporated under reduced pressure to obtain a dark green mass, and this extract was triturated successively with hexane, chloroform and ethyl acetate. The residue left was dissolved in methanol and left in refrigerator overnight, the solid separated by filtration, crystallized with methanol, to obtain eupalitin 3-O-.beta.-D-galactopyranoside (4.0 g).


The shade dried, powdered Boerhavia diffusa leaves (1 kg) were extracted with methanol by hot continuous extraction in a Soxhlet apparatus for 32 hours. The methanol was evaporated under reduced pressure to obtain a dark green mass, and this extract was triturated successively with hexane, chloroform and ethyl acetate. The residue left was dissolved in methanol and left in refrigerator overnight, the solid separated by filtration, crystallized with methanol, to obtain eupalitin 3-O-.beta.-D-galactopyranoside (3.5 g).


The shade dried, powdered Boerhavia diffusa leaves (1 kg) were percolated with rectified spirit (4.times.41) for a period 64 hours. The rectified spirit was evaporated under reduced pressure to obtain a dark green mass, and this residue was triturated successively with hexane, chloroform and ethyl acetate. The residue left was dissolved in methanol and left in refrigerator overnight, filtered, the solid separated, crystallized with methanol, to provide eupalitin 3-O-.beta.-D-galactopyranoside (2.8 g).


The shade dried, powdered Boerhaavia diffusa stems (1 kg) were extracted with rectified spirit by hot continuous extraction in a Soxhlet apparatus for 32 hours. The rectified spirit was evaporated under reduced pressure to obtain a residue, and this residue was triturated successively with hexane, chloroform and ethyl acetate. The residue left was dissolved in methanol and left in refrigerator overnight, the solid separated by filtration, crystallized with methanol, to obtain eupalitin 3-O-.beta.-D-galactopyranoside (0.7 g).


The shade dried, powdered Boerhavia diffuse aerial parts (1 kg) was extracted with rectified spirit by hot continuous extraction in a Soxhlet apparatus for 32 hours. The rectified spirit was evaporated under reduced pressure to obtain a dark green mass, and this extract was triturated successively with hexane, chloroform and ethyl acetate. The residue left was dissolved in methanol and left in refrigerator overnight, the solid separated by filtration, crystallized with methanol, to provide eupalitin 3-O-.beta.-D-galactopyranoside (1.2 g).


The shade dried, powdered Boerhaavia diffusa leaves (1 kg) was percolated with 80% aqueous methanol (4.times.41) for a period 64 hours. The solvent was evaporated under reduced pressure to obtain a dark green mass, and this extract was triturated successively with hexane, chloroform and ethyl acetate. The residue left was dissolved in methanol and left in refrigerator overnight, filtered, the solid separated, crystallized with methanol, to obtain eupalitin 3-O-.beta.-D-galactopyranoside (3.0 g).


1. This is a novel process by which we can isolate eupalitin 3-O-(3-D-galactopyranoside.

2. The process being simple is particularly useful for quick isolation of the compound from the plant for all purposes.

3. Process utilizes highly economical raw material which is abundant in nature.

4. The concept used in the process makes it ideal and easy for scale up.

5. The process offers guaranteed yield as it has been standardized with respect to location of collection of plant material also.

6. The process does not prescribe any tedious chromatographic procedure for purification and isolation of the compound whereas the previous reported procedure involves the expensive, tedious and time consuming Preparative Thin Layer Chromatography yielding minute quantity of compound of formula 1.

7. The process offers an yield which is 300 times more than that reported in literature.

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