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dehydroabietic acid/pinus

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15 resultados

Fungal biotransformation products of dehydroabietic acid.

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Dehydroabietic acid (DHA) (1) is one of the main compounds in Scots pine wood responsible for aquatic and microbial toxicity. The degradation of 1 by Trametes versicolor and Phlebiopsis gigantea in liquid stationary cultures was followed by HPLC-DAD-ELSD. Both fungi rapidly degraded DHA relative to
Considering the impact of dental caries on public health and the wide biological potential described for species belonging to the genus Pinus, here we investigate the antibacterial activity of the P. elliottii and P. tropicalis resins and of the diterpene dehydroabietic acid
Dehydroabietic acid (DHA) is one of the main constituents of the resin that have antiprotozoal activity against Leishmania spp., but the leishmanicidal mechanism is unknown. The objective of the study was to investigate in vitro the leishmanicidal activity of the natural compound DHA against

Antibacterial activity of Pinus elliottii and its major compound, dehydroabietic acid, against multidrug-resistant strains.

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Antibiotic-resistant bacteria have emerged from the widespread use of antibiotics worldwide and have prompted the search for new sources of antimicrobial substances. Pinus spp. contain several bioactive compounds consisting mainly of terpenes, terpenoids and some other aromatic and aliphatic
A high-throughput quantitative Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 1H-NMR method was developed and applied to screen the quantity of the diterpenic resin acids in the heartwood of black pine, due to the renewed scientific interest in their medicinal properties and use in various diseases

Identification and Quantitative Determination of Resin Acids from Corsican Pinus pinaster Aiton Oleoresin Using 13 C-NMR Spectroscopy.

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Twenty-three resin samples have been obtained by tapping from individual Pinus pinaster adult trees grown in Corsica and submitted to acido-basic partition. Identification and quantitative determination of resin acids has been carried out using 13 C-NMR spectroscopy following a method

[Isolation and identification of diterpenoids from Pinus koraiensis].

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OBJECTIVE To study chemical compounds from Pinus koraiensis. METHODS The constituents were isolated by chromatographic method and the structures were identified on the basis of spectral alanlysis. RESULTS Eight compounds were identified as 8 (14)-podocarpen-13-on-18-oic acid (1),

Genetic and correlation analysis of oleoresin chemical components in slash pine.

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This is the first comprehensive study of the genetic analysis of the majority of oleoresin components of slash pine (Pinus elliottii). Pine oleoresin, the resin secreted from the pine tree, is a raw material widely used in industrial products. The objective of this study was to explore the genetic

[Studies on diterpenes in needles of Pinus sylvestris].

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OBJECTIVE To research the constituents in needles of Pinus sylvestris. METHODS Repeated column chromatography and preparation HPLC are used for compound isolation, and their structures were elucidated on the basis of spectral data analysis. RESULTS Six compounds, pinifolic acid (1), 15-oxo-8 (17)

Distribution of low-molecular lipophilic extractives beneath the surface of air- and kiln-dried Scots pine sapwood boards.

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During industrial wood drying, extractives migrate towards the wood surfaces and make the material more susceptible to photo/biodegradation. The present work provides information about the distribution, quantity and nature of lipophilic substances beneath the surface in air- and kiln-dried Scots

Pinecone of Pinus koraiensis Inducing Apoptosis in Human Lung Cancer Cells by Activating Caspase-3 and its Chemical Constituents.

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Pinecones from Pinus koraiensisSiebold & Zucc. (Pinaceae), which have historically been treated as an undesired waste by-product in the processing of seeds, have recently been shown to contain ingredients with potent biological activities, such as polyphenols exhibiting antitumor activity. With this

Trypanocidal activity of oleoresin and terpenoids isolated from Pinus oocarpa.

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Fractionation with n-hexane/ethyl acetate (1:1 v/v) by open column chromatography of the oleoresin from Pinus oocarpa Schiede yielded two diterpenes, pimaric acid (1) and dehydroabietic acid (5), the sesquiterpene longifolene (3) and a diterpenic mixture containing pimaric acid (1), isopimaric acid

Potential antitumor-promoting diterpenes from the cones of Pinus luchuensis.

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A new nor-labdane-type diterpene, 15-nor-labda-8(17),12E-dien-13,19-dienoic acid (1), along with five known diterpenes, 15-nor-14-oxolabda-8(17),12E-dien-19-oic acid (2), trans-communic acid (3), sandaracopimaric acid (4), dehydroabietic acid (5), and abieta-8,11,13-triene-15,18-diol (6), was

Antibacterial activity of Pinus elliottii against anaerobic bacteria present in primary endodontic infections.

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Endodontic infections have a polymicrobial nature, but anaerobic bacteria prevail among the infectious microbes. Considering that it is easy to eliminate planktonic bacteria, biofilm-forming bacteria still challenge clinicians during the fight against endodontic diseases. The chemical constituents

Inhibition of platelet aggregation by diterpene acids from Pinus massoniana resin.

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The acidic fraction of the resin of Pinus massoniana Lamb. from China was converted to the p-nitrophenyl esters, and the esters separated by chromatography. The separated p-nitrophenyl esters were individually hydrolysed by potassium hydroxide in acetone-water at room temperature to 8 diterpene
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