Haitian Creole

false/accidente cerebrovascular

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Follow-up of Kryptogenic Stroke Patients With Implantable vs. Non-invasive Devices to Detect Atrial Fibrillation.

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Atrial fibrillation often is paroxysmal and asymptomatic and, therefore, often not detected. Because atrial fibrillation is the leading risk factor for ischemic stroke, and oral anticoagulation is very efficacious for both primary and secondary stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation patients,

Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) Assisted Walking: Enhancement of Walking Function After Stroke

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A stroke is a devastating life event, that can result in permanent disability. Many people who survive a stroke will experience paralysis on one side of their body. The muscles in one leg may become weaker or stiff to the point that the person can barely walk. Functional electrical stimulation (FES)

Door-to-door Survey of Cardiovascular Health, Stroke and Ischemic Heart Disease in Atahualpa

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This is a 3-phase epidemiological study. During Phase I, two general physicians and a nurse will perform a door-to-door survey of all Atahualpa residents aged ≥ 40 years. These persons will be eligible for being screened with standardized questionnaires to identify those with suspected stroke or

Mobile Phones in Cryptogenic Stroke Patients Bringing Single Lead ECGs to Detect Atrial Fibrillation

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Rationale: A standard work-up of stroke patients to identify a cause of stroke consists of Computed Tomography (CT), CT angiography of head and neck arteries, transthoracic echocardiography, 12-lead 10-seconds electrocardiogram (ECG), blood tests and 24-hour ECG monitoring. A stroke is called

Perception of Verticality After Stroke

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Postural control emerges from the interaction between the task, the environment and the individual. Within the individual, an efficient interaction between motor, sensory and neural systems is needed in order to maintain postural control.(1) One of the neural processes is the integration of afferent

Metacognitive-Strategy Training in Sub-Acute Stroke

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Spatial Neglect and Delirium After Stroke

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Delirium assessment and prevention has a tremendous impact on hospitalization outcomes and health care costs. Delirium is a multi-component syndrome characterized by an acute reduction in cognitive functioning, affecting awareness, thinking, attention, and memory. Stroke survivors, representing 17%

Effect of Adrenocorticotropic Hormone on Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Release in Children Study

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Problem: Chronic steroid use causes a wide range of side effects, of which bone disease and adrenal suppression cause significant morbidity. Bone disease, which includes osteopenia, fractures, and osteonecrosis, is very common. In patients on chronic steroids, fractures can occur in up to 30-50%,

Quality and Safety of Initial Management for ST-segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction

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Objectives The broad objectives of this multicenter and multidisciplinary observational cohort study are to investigate patient, provider, and system-related factors that are associated with the quality and safety of initial management for suspected ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI)

TROPOnin FRAGMentation in Myocardial Injury Study

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Modern cardiac troponin T (cTnT) tests are highly sensitive in diagnosing AMI and myocardial damage. Atrial fibrillation and many non-cardiac conditions and even strenuous exercise are associated with elevated cTnT levels which are problematic to clinicians and may lead to redundant use of

Cross-sectional Study on a Given Day Within the Paris Saint-Joseph Hospital Group

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Clinical Study of Thoracic Excluder Endoprosthesis to Treat Descending Thoracic Aortic Diseases

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Thoracic aortic aneurysm, while relatively rare, is a potentially lethal disorder with a poor long-term prognosis if not treated. As the aortic diameter increases, wall tension becomes higher, leading to further expansion of the aneurysm. Consequently, this disease process is a "progressive and self

Coronary Steal Via Natural Internal Mammary Artery-To-Coronary Artery Bypasses

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CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE AND THE BENEFIT OF BYPASSES Despite considerable advances in medicine, cardiovascular diseases remain the number one cause of death globally. In industrialized countries, coronary artery disease (CAD) is the leading cause of death, consequence of myocardial infarction

Prospective Randomised Controlled Trial of Delirium Management by Geriatric Medicine Versus General Medicine

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Delirium research has been stuck in 1990 with the CAM. Articles appearing in 2012 could have been written in 1990. The CAM is riddled with logical fallacies such as 1) Circular reasoning about hearing loss causing delirium - hearing loss causes incorrect answers to questions on orientation and

ScreenOX - An Automated At-home Screening Test for Adult Sleep Apnea Using Nocturnal Oximetry

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Participants are recruited from the specialized sleep outpatient facilities of the Río Hortega University Hospital from Valladolid (Spain). All patients are referred from primary care due to moderate-to-high clinical suspicion of suffering from sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (SAHS). The final
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