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Factors Associated With PSA False Negative and False Positive Results and the Impact on Patient's Health.

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Sample size and recruitment procedure: The investigators will select a cohort of patients with positive PSA results and a cohort of patients with negative results in each centre, to be followed for two years. According to a review by the American Cancer Society, a value of PSA of 4 ng/ml had an

Serial Therapeutic and Antifungal Monitoring Protocol

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One blood culture and one set of T2clinical specimens will be collected at specified intervals to monitor the clearance of Candida infection from the bloodstream. Each T2 result will be compared to the companion blood culture result. The comparison will determine if the presence of antifungal

Clinical Value of FEC-PET Combined With Endorectal MRI for Pre-therapeutic Staging of Prostate Cancer

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Prostate carcinoma is today in Germany the most frequently diagnosed cancer disease of men and is - after bronchial carcinoma - their second most frequent cause of cancer-related death. Around 22% of all new cancer diagnoses among males are prostate-related. This corresponds to an age-adjusted

Neurological Prognostication of Patients in Therapeutic Hypothermia After Cardiac Arrest

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Neurological prognostication of patients in therapeutic hypothermia after cardiac arrest Background: In Denmark, approximately 3000 people suffer from cardiac arrest (CA) each year. After CA with no blood flow for more than five minutes, cerebral ischemia, free radicals along with other mediators

Therapeutic Approaches to Malnutrition Enteropathy

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Over the last two decades, three key developments in the approach to treatment have improved the outcome of SAM: standardised management protocols, ready to use therapeutic food (RUTF), and community management of acute malnutrition (CMAM). CMAM has four components, namely, community mobilization

ADNEXMR Scoring System: Impact of an MR Scoring System on Therapeutic Strategy of Pelvic Adnexal Masses

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Context and rational Ovarian cancer is the fifth leading cause of death among neoplastic diseases in women in developed countries (1). The 5-year survival rate is 90% for patients at stage I disease at diagnosis but only 2% are diagnosed at this stage because of the non-specific nature or total

Effect of Sedation on Diagnostic Injections

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Sixty-eight patients with sacroiliac (SI) joint or sympathetically-maintained pain will be randomized in a crossover fashion to receive diagnostic nerve blocks either with or without intravenous sedation. Among those who obtain some benefit and return for a 2nd block, this 2nd procedure will be done

Radiosurgical Treatment for Obsessive-compulsive Disorder

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Various studies have demonstrated that good treatment responses in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) are often obtained in 60 to 80 % of patients, whether employing serotonin reuptake inhibitors or behavior therapy. However, a subgroup of OCD patients are refractory to the classical therapeutic

Reliability of a Pocket Sized Ultrasound Scanner in the Evaluation Covid-19 Pneumonia

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Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), emerged in China in December 2019 and quickly spread all over the globe. The clinical features are fever, dyspnoea, dry cough, fatigue and diarrhoea (1). Pharyngodynia, nasal

The Efficacy of APT Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Predicting the Efficacy of Bevacizumab in Recurrent Malignant Gliomas

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Recurrent Malignant Gliomas (RMG) have a very short survival time, and re-operation risk is large and failed to significantly improve the prognosis of patients. At present, targeted therapy with bevacizumab is effective in prolonging the progression of patients However, a considerable proportion of
Rational: After 3 or 6 months of oral anticoagulation for an episode of acute venous thromboembolism (VTE), the risk of recurrent VTE is high (10 to 15% per year) in comparison with a low risk of recurrence if VTE was provoked by a major transient risk factor such as recent surgery (3% per year)
Invasive aspergillosis is a serious and often fatal infection in patients who are neutropenic or have undergone solid organ or stem cell transplantation. However, early diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis is a challenge. Reiss and Lehmann first described the value of serum Galactomanna (GM) for

The Effect of Medical Clowns on Blood Pressure Measurement in Children Presenting to the Emergency Department

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Blood pressure is measured in the triage amongst most children presented to the Pediatric ED. There are many barriers to obtaining an accurate BP measurement in children, including inappropriate technique, lack of equipment, but also - pain, and the child's uncooperativeness or anxiety. The latter

MR-Lymphography and Lymph Node Staging in Prostate Cancer

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Objective(s) of the proposed study The first objective of this study is to evaluate whether MRL can replace currently used nodal staging techniques such as CT-scanning and PLND in patients with prostate cancer. The second objective is to determine the effects of implementing this new technique on

Autologous Adipose Tissue in the Treatment of Systemic Sclerosis Digital Ulcers

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Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is an autoimmune disease characterized by a multifactorial pathological process where a central role is played by the progressive loss of the microvascular bed, with the consequent fibrotic changes in the involved organs and tissues. The most advanced stages of capillary
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