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14 resultados

Virus-Induced Gene Silencing of Cell Wall Genes in Flax (Linum usitatissimum)

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Plants have developed defense mechanisms against viruses by using an RNA silencing-based process, which has many common features with the endogenous RNA silencing pathway used for regulating the level of transcripts derived from developmental genes. In the virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) method,

Antisense transgenesis of tobacco with a flax pectin methylesterase affects pollen ornamentation.

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Antisense transgenesis of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) with a partial flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) pectin methylesterase (Lupme3) cDNA sequence yielded plants with altered pollen content. Moreover, the characteristically sculptured cell wall surrounding the pollen grains was modified in transgenic
A plant selection system based on the phosphomannose isomerase gene (pmi) as a selectable marker is often used to avoid selection using antibiotic resistance. Nevertheless, pmi gene is endogenous in several plant species and therefore difficult to use in such cases. Here we evaluated and compared

Isolation of a flax pectin methylesterase promoter and its expression in transgenic tobacco.

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Pectin methylesterases (PME) catalyze the de-esterification of methoxylated pectins in plant cell walls. We have isolated a 1.9 kb regulatory region upstream from the Lupme3 coding sequence of Linum usitatissimum L. (flax) using a 'Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) walking' strategy. Two 5' truncated

Quantitative genetically nonequivalent reciprocal crosses in cultivated plants.

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Quantitative expressions of character difference between reciprocal crosses have been studied by different researchers in a number of plant species, such as Epilobium, Zea mays, Oryza sativa, Hordeum sativum, Triticum aestivum, Trifolium hybridum, Linum usitatissimum, Nicotiana rustica, and others.

The effect of right terminal repeat deletion on the oncogenicity of the T-Region of pTiT37.

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A modified pTiT37 plasmid was constructed by deleting a 103 base fragment between an AhaIII and a Bc/I site. This fragment, located to the right of the nopaline synthase gene contains the right terminal 25 base pair repeat sequence which defines the right limit of the T-Region. The effect of this

Lignin variability in plant cell walls: contribution of new models.

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Lignin is a major component of certain plant cell walls. The enzymes and corresponding genes associated with the metabolic pathway leading to the production of this complex phenolic polymer have been studied for many years now and are relatively well characterized. The use of genetically modified
The effector protein AvrP is secreted by the flax rust fungal pathogen (Melampsora lini) and recognized specifically by the flax (Linum usitatissimum) P disease resistance protein, leading to effector-triggered immunity. To investigate the biological function of this effector and the mechanisms of

cDNA sequence and tissue-specific expression of an anionic flax peroxidase.

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A flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) lambda gt10 cDNA library was screened with a probe coding for the amino terminus of a flax peroxidase. The probe was generated by PCR amplification of the library with one of the lambda gt10 sequencing primers and a mixed oligonucleotide derived from a well-conserved

Development of transformation vectors based upon a modified plant alpha-tubulin gene as the selectable marker.

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A plant transformation and selection system has been developed utilizing a modified tubulin gene as a selectable marker. The vector constructs carrying a mutant alpha-tubulin gene from goosegrass conferring resistance to dinitroaniline herbicides were created for transformation of monocotyledonous

Biosynthesis of very-long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in transgenic oilseeds: constraints on their accumulation.

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Omega6- and omega3-polyunsaturated C20 fatty acids represent important components of the human diet. A more regular consumption and an accordingly sustainable source of these compounds are highly desirable. In contrast with the very high levels to which industrial fatty acids have to be enriched in
The CYP74 family of cytochromes P450 includes four enzymes of fatty acid hydroperoxide metabolism: allene oxide synthase (AOS), hydroperoxide lyase (HPL), divinyl ether synthase (DES), and epoxyalcohol synthase (EAS). The present work is concerned with catalytic specificities of three recombinant

The Melampsora lini AvrL567 avirulence genes are expressed in haustoria and their products are recognized inside plant cells.

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The Linum usitatissimum (flax) L gene alleles, which encode nucleotide binding site-Leu rich repeat class intracellular receptor proteins, confer resistance against the Melampsora lini (flax rust) fungus. At least 11 different L resistance specificities are known, and the corresponding avirulence

Whole genome duplication events in plant evolution reconstructed and predicted using myosin motor proteins.

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BACKGROUND The evolution of land plants is characterized by whole genome duplications (WGD), which drove species diversification and evolutionary novelties. Detecting these events is especially difficult if they date back to the origin of the plant kingdom. Established methods for reconstructing
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