Haitian Creole

NAC Supplementation and Skeletal Muscle Performance

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Democritus University of Thrace



In this investigation the investigators utilized NAC administration to foster GSH availability during an 8-day period following eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage in order to test our hypotheses: i) antioxidant supplementation does not disturb performance and adaptations induced by exercise-induced muscle injury and ii) redox status perturbations in skeletal muscle are pivotal for the regulation of muscle' inflammatory response and repair.


The major thiol-disulfide couple of reduced (GSH) and oxidized glutathione (GSSG) is a key-regulator of major transcriptional pathways regulating aseptic inflammation and recovery of skeletal muscle following aseptic injury. Antioxidant supplementation may hamper exercise-induced cellular adaptations.

Our objective was to examine how thiol-based antioxidant supplementation affects skeletal muscle's performance and redox-sensitive signalling during the inflammatory and repair phases associated with exercise-induced micro-trauma.In a double-blind, counterbalanced design, 12 men received placebo (PLA) or N-acetylcysteine (NAC, 20 mg/kg/day) following muscle-damaging exercise (300 eccentric contractions). In each trial, muscle performance was measured at baseline, post-exercise, 2h post-exercise and daily for 8 consecutive days. Muscle biopsies from vastus lateralis and blood samples were collected pre-exercise and 2h, 2d, and 8d post-exercise.


Viimati kinnitatud: 12/31/2012
Esmalt esitatud: 01/20/2013
Hinnanguline registreerumine on esitatud: 01/24/2013
Esmalt postitatud: 01/28/2013
Viimane värskendus on esitatud: 01/24/2013
Viimati värskendus postitatud: 01/28/2013
Õppe tegelik alguskuupäev: 12/31/2009
Eeldatav esmane lõpetamise kuupäev: 08/31/2011
Eeldatav uuringu lõpetamise kuupäev: 03/31/2012

Seisund või haigus

Skeletal Muscle Damage
Skeletal Muscle Performance
Intgracellular Signaling in Skeletal Muscle
Inflammatory Status

Sekkumine / ravi

Dietary Supplement: n-acetylcysteine/placebo supplementation




ArmSekkumine / ravi
Experimental: n-acetylcysteine/placebo supplementation
n-acetylcysteine supplementation, orally in three daily dosages, at 20 mg/kg/day, daily for eight days after exercise placebo, orally in three daily dosages, content: 500 mL drink that contained water (375 mL), sugar-free cordial (125 ml), and 2 g of low-calorie glucose/dextrose powder.
Dietary Supplement: n-acetylcysteine/placebo supplementation
n-acetylcysteine administration: 20 mg//kg/day, orally, daily for eight days following exercise placebo administration: 500 mL orally, daily for eight days following exercise

Abikõlblikkuse kriteeriumid

Õppimiseks sobivad vanused 18 Years To 18 Years
Uuringuks kõlblikud soodMale
Võtab vastu tervislikke vabatahtlikkeJah

Inclusion Criteria:

a) recreationally trained as evidenced by their maximal oxygen consumption levels (VO2max >45 ml/kg/min), b) were engaged in systematic exercise at least three times/week for ≥12 months), c) non-smokers, d) abstained from any vigorous physical activity during the study, e)abstained from consumption of caffeine, alcohol, performance-enhancing or antioxidant supplements, and medications during the study.

Exclusion Criteria:

a) a known NAC intolerance or allergy, b) a recent febrile illness, c) history of muscle lesion, d) lower limb trauma


Esmased tulemusnäitajad

1. Change in reduced glutathione in blood [one hour before exercise, 5 minutes post-exercise, 2 hours post-exercise, daily for 8 days post-exercise]

Concentration of reduced glutathione in red blood cells

2. Change in reduced glutathione in muscle [one hour before exercise, 2 hours post-exercise, 2 days post-exercise, 8 days post-exercise]

concentration of reduced glutathione in quadriceps skeletal muscle group

3. Change in protein carbonyls in red blood cells and serum [one hour before exercise, 5 minutes post-exercise, 2 hours post-exercise, daily for 8 days post-exercise]

concentration of protein carbonyls

4. Change in protein carbonyls in muscle [one hour before exercise, 2 hours post-exercise, 2 days post-exercise, 8 days post-exercise]

protein carbonyl concentration in vastus lateralis skeletal muscle

5. Change in thiobarbituric acid reactive substances in red blood cells and serum [one hour before exercise, 5 minutes post-exercise, 2 hours post-exercise, daily for 8 days post-exercise]

thiobarbituric acid reactive substances concentration in serum and red blood cells

6. Change in thiobarbituric acid reactive substances in muscle [one hour before exercise, 2 hours post-exercise, 2 days post-exercise, 8 days post-exercise]

thiobarbituric acid reactive substances concentration in vastus lateralis skeletal muscle

7. Change in oxidized glutathione in red blood cells and blood [one hour before exercise, 5 minutes post-exercise, 2 hours post-exercise, daily for 8 days post-exercise]

Concentration of oxidized glutathione in red blood cells and whole blood

8. Change in total antioxidant capacity in serum [one hour before exercise, 5 minutes post-exercise, 2 hours post-exercise, daily for 8 days post-exercise]

9. Change in oxidized glutathione in muscle [one hour before exercise, 2 hours post-exercise, 2 days post-exercise, 8 days post-exercise]

concentration of oxidized glutathione in vastus lateralis skeletal muscle

10. Change in catalase activity in red blood cells and serum [one hour before exercise, 5 minutes post-exercise, 2 hours post-exercise, daily for 8 days post-exercise]

11. Change in glutathione peroxidase activity in red blood cells [one hour before exercise, 5 minutes post-exercise, 2 hours post-exercise, daily for 8 days post-exercise]

12. Change in creatine kinase activity in plasma [one hour before exercise, 5 minutes post-exercise, 2 hours post-exercise, daily for 8 days post-exercise]

13. Change in C-reactive protein in plasma [one hour before exercise, 5 minutes post-exercise, 2 hours post-exercise, daily for 8 days post-exercise]

14. Change in macrophage infiltration in muscle [one hour before exercise, 2 hours post-exercise, 2 days post-exercise, 8 days post-exercise]

15. Change in white blood cell count in blood [one hour before exercise, 5 minutes post-exercise, 2 hours post-exercise, daily for 8 days post-exercise]

16. Change in neutrophil count in blood [one hour before exercise, 5 minutes post-exercise, 2 hours post-exercise, daily for 8 days post-exercise]

17. Change in fatty acid binding protein in plasma [one hour before exercise, 5 minutes post-exercise, 2 hours post-exercise, daily for 8 days post-exercise]

18. Change in cortisol concentration in blood [one hour before exercise, 5 minutes post-exercise, 2 hours post-exercise, daily for 8 days post-exercise]

19. Change in testosterone concentration in plasma [one hour before exercise, 5 minutes post-exercise, 2 hours post-exercise, daily for 8 days post-exercise]

20. Change in cytokine concentration in plasma [one hour before exercise, 5 minutes post-exercise, 2 hours post-exercise, daily for 8 days post-exercise]

Measurement of IL-1β, IL-4, IL-6, TNF-α, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12p70 concentrations in plasma

21. Change in adhesion molecule concentration in blood [one hour before exercise, 5 minutes post-exercise, 2 hours post-exercise, daily for 8 days post-exercise]

Measurement of ICAM-1, VCAM-1, sP-selectin, sE-selectin concentrations in plasma

22. Change in intracellular signalling proteins in muscle [one hour before exercise, 2 hours post-exercise, 2 days post-exercise, 8 days post-exercise]

Measurement of phosphorylation levels of protein kinase B (Akt), mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), serine/threonine kinase (p70S6K), ribosomal protein S6 (rpS6), nuclear factor κB (NFκB), serine⁄threonine mitogen activated protein kinase (p38-MAPK) in vastus lateralis muscle.

23. Change in myogenic determination factor (MyoD) protein levels in muscle [one hour before exercise, 2 hours post-exercise, 2 days post-exercise, 8 days post-exercise]

MyoD expression in vastus lateralis muscle

24. Change in tumor necrosis factor α in muscle [one hour before exercise, 2 hours post-exercise, 2 days post-exercise, 8 days post-exercise]

Protein levels of TNF-α in vastus lateralis muscle

Sekundaarsed tulemusmõõdud

1. Change in muscle function of knee extensor and flexor muscle [one hour before exercise, 5 minutes post-exercise, 2 hours post-exercise, daily for 8 days post-exercise]

assessment of muscle peak and mean torque of knee extensors and flexors on an isokinetic dynamometer at 0, 90 and 180 degrees/sec

2. Body composition [One day before exercise]

Assessment of percent (%) lean body mass.

3. Maximal aerobic capacity [One day before exercise]

Assessment of maximal oxygen consumption, an indice of cardiovascular conditioning

4. Change in profile of dietary intake [one hour before exercise, daily for 8 days post-exercise]

Assessment of dietary intake with emphasis on antioxidant element intake

5. Change in side effect occurence [one hour before exercise, daily for 8 days post-exercise]

The prevalence of potential side-effects (such as headaches or abdominal pain or any other discomfort) was monitored using a subjective 0-10 side-effects scale on a daily bases by an unblinded investigator (for ethical reasons).

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