Cleome viscosa, the Asian spiderflower or tick weed is an annual herb that grows up to a meter high. It belongs to the family Cleomaceae. It's considered an invasive species and it is widely distributed in warm and humid habitats across the Americas, Africa and Asia. It is commonly found during the rainy season.
The crushed leaves have been investigated as a treatment for stored seeds of cowpea, to prevent weevil infestation.The leaves are used as external application to wounds and ulcers. The seeds ...
Sisestage sümptom või haigus ja lugege ravimtaimede kohta, mis võivad aidata, tippige ürdi ja vaadake haigusi ja sümptomeid, mille vastu seda kasutatakse.
* Kogu teave põhineb avaldatud teaduslikel uuringutel