Pavetta indica is a plant commonly found in Sri Lanka and India
The entire plant used medicinally as a bitter tonic, diuretic, inflammation, rheumatism, jaundice and ulcer. In the indigenous system of medicine, it is reported that the decoction of the leaves are used to relieve haemorrhoidal pain, as a lotion for nose, analgesic, antipyretic, appetizer and the ulceration of mouth. In literature, it has been reported as an antibacterial, antiviral and antimalarial. It showed analgesic activity for ...
Sisestage sümptom või haigus ja lugege ravimtaimede kohta, mis võivad aidata, tippige ürdi ja vaadake haigusi ja sümptomeid, mille vastu seda kasutatakse.
* Kogu teave põhineb avaldatud teaduslikel uuringutel