Aloe perryi (syn. Aloe forbesii Balf.f.; Aloe socotrina) is a species of plant in the genus Aloe. It is endemic to the island of Socotra in Yemen, and is often known by its common name, Socotrine aloe.
Its natural habitat is rocky areas. Widely distributed and in places abundant, it is one of three Aloe species that naturally occur on the island of Socotra, the other two being Aloe jawiyon and Aloe squarrosa. Bitter aloes – the juice of Aloe perryi – has important pharmaceutical and medicinal properties. ...
Sisestage sümptom või haigus ja lugege ravimtaimede kohta, mis võivad aidata, tippige ürdi ja vaadake haigusi ja sümptomeid, mille vastu seda kasutatakse.
* Kogu teave põhineb avaldatud teaduslikel uuringutel