Aberrant neutrophil trafficking and metabolic oscillations in severe pyoderma gangrenosum.
Having previously associated metabolic oscillations with cell locomotion, we hypothesized that patients with abnormalities in neutrophil trafficking may display aberrant intracellular oscillations. A pyoderma gangrenosum patient exhibiting aberrant leukocyte trafficking in vivo and skin ulceration without infection was identified. This patient's neutrophils constitutively overexpressed and clustered the leukocyte integrins CR3 and CR4 and failed to display appropriate integrin-to-GPI receptor interactions. Increased levels of tyrosine phosphorylation were observed. NAD(P)H oscillations, which are sinusoidal in normals, were chaotic with multiple frequency components in this patient's neutrophils. Normal cell shape and sinusoidal NAD(P)H oscillations were restored by providing a pulsed electric field to drive metabolic oscillations and by temperature reduction. N-acetyl-D-glucosamine disrupted CR3 clusters and sinusoidal NAD(P)H oscillations returned. Anecdotal reports suggest that local hypothermia is clinically useful for this patient. These data define the first metabolic oscillation-associated disease and suggest that pyoderma gangrenosum can be classified as a dynamical disease at the cellular level.