Retroperitoneal paraganglioma and systemic amyloidosis: a case report.
The case of a 50-year-old woman with a retroperitoneal paraganglioma and nephrotic syndrome is presented. After the tumor was removed deposits of amyloid material were observed in the paraganglioma, kidneys, and liver. There was no thrombosis of the renal vein. The clinical picture (fever and nephrotic syndrome) was similar to that of patients with amyloidosis associated with neoplasms. The nephrotic syndrome disappeared 8 months after the operation. The patient has not had fever or nephrotic manifestations over the past 4 years and is asymptomatic at the present time. We believe this to be the first reported case of paraganglioma associated with amyloidosis. Nor have we found any references to clinical and biological remission of the nephrotic syndrome following surgical removal of the concomitant neoplasm.