[The conjugated linoleic acids in prevention and treatment of obesity].
The results of up-to-date performed experimental studies indicated that conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) contained in diet lead to significant both adipose tissue and body mass decrease. It suggests that the CLA-rich diet or CLA-contained medicines can be useful in prevention and treatment of obesity in humans. The CLA-contained medicines are more and more popular, therefore the principle aim of this review is a description of CLA chemical structure, presence in natural products and moreover, their potential influence on adipose tissue mass in humans. Unfortunately, the results of recent trials are disappointing. Most of them indicated that (contrary to experimental studies) CLA were not profitable in adipose tissue mass decrease in humans. Moreover, in a few cases a deterioration of serum lipid profile, glycemia enhancement and decrease of tissue insulin sensitivity were observed. Thus, there is no evidence confirming the positive influence of CLA on adipose tissue mass in humans. However, there are also a few publications, in which the CLA-associated decrease of adipose tissue mass in humans was noted. The results of these studies do not let us totally decline the opinion that CLA are profitable also in humans. This contradictory data definitely needs further studies.