5 tulemused
Vitamin D deficiency, common in the population with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), can induce the main factors that lead to IBS clinical symptoms, such as depression, anxiety, and inflammation. Serotonin (5-HT) plays an important role in the pathophysiology of IBS, and its production and secretion
Appendectomy for suspected appendicitis cases is a common procedure. Its clinical diagnosis needs to be supported by accurate confirmatory tests. No single paraclinical test with a high degree of sensitivity and specificity is available for its diagnosis. The appendix contains numerous
Previous reports of endocrine activity of glomus jugulare tumors have been of pheochromocytomas but not carcinoid apudomas. This paper is to alert the otolaryngologist to the presence of carcinoid apudomas in glomus jugulare tumors. A patient with a long history of explosive diarrhea, facial
Pellagra is a nutritional wasting disease attributable to a combined deficiency of tryptophan and niacin (nicotinic acid). It is characterized clinically by four classic symptoms often referred to as the four Ds: diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia, and death. Prior to the development of these symptoms,
Gastro-intestinal carcinoids are slow growing tumors arising from enterochromaffin or Kulchitsky cells. Their clinical presentation depends on what combination of bioactive substances is secreted. Midgut carcinoid can present with the carcinoid syndrome in the presence of liver metastases. Its most