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Lysine decarboxylase (LDC) catalyzes the first-step in the biosynthetic pathway of quinolizidine alkaloids (QAs), which form a distinct, large family of plant alkaloids. A cDNA of lysine/ornithine decarboxylase (L/ODC) was isolated by differential transcript screening in QA-producing and
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The patterns of quinolizidine alkaloids in cell cultures of 10 species of Fabaceae were analyzed by high-resolution GLC and GLC-MS and compared with the alkaloids present in the leaves of the respective plants. Lupanine was produced in all 10 cell suspension cultures as the main alkaloid. It was
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Baptisia is commonly found in residential gardens as an ornamental plant, in municipal "rain gardens" for water control, as well as in native and restored prairie habitat. Cytisine, an alkaloid with nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonist properties, is a component of
Korraldage oma huvisid ja hoidke end kursis uudisteuuringute, kliiniliste uuringute ja patentidega
Sisestage sümptom või haigus ja lugege ravimtaimede kohta, mis võivad aidata, tippige ürdi ja vaadake haigusi ja sümptomeid, mille vastu seda kasutatakse. * Kogu teave põhineb avaldatud teaduslikel uuringutel