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The T-DNA of the Ri plasmid from Agrobacterium rhizogenes is compatible with the regeneration of whole plants from genetically transformed roots and is transmitted through meiosis to the progeny of genetically transformed plants in carrot, tobacco, and morning glory (Convolvulus arvensis). The
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We have determined the nucleotide sequence of the Ri TL-DNA region from an Agrobacterium rhizogenes agropine-type plasmid using subcloned regions from the essentially identical Ri TL-DNAs from strains A4 and HRI. This sequenced region of 21,126 base pairs (bp) contains the complete TL-DNA region of
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Sisestage sümptom või haigus ja lugege ravimtaimede kohta, mis võivad aidata, tippige ürdi ja vaadake haigusi ja sümptomeid, mille vastu seda kasutatakse. * Kogu teave põhineb avaldatud teaduslikel uuringutel