A new isoflavone (1), dihydroisoderrondiol [(3' 'S,4' 'R)-5,7,3' ', 4' '-tetrahydroxy-2' ',2' '-dimethyl-3' ',4' '-dihydropyrano(5' ',6' ';3' ',4' ')isoflavone], was isolated from aerial parts of Genista corsica, together with 11 previously known compounds [daidzein, isoprunetin, isoderrone (2),
Larvae ofUresiphita reversalis feed almost exclusively on legumes in the tribe Genisteae, which characteristically contain a variety of quinolizidine alkaloids. The larvae are aposematic, and onGenista monspessulana, a major host in California, they feed on the youngest leaves, at the periphery of