Elaeocarpus dentatus, commonly known as hinau (Maori: hīnau), is a native lowland forest tree of New Zealand. Other names in Māori for the tree are hangehange, pōkākā and whīnau.
A member of the Elaeocarpaceae family, it is found on both the North and South Island's of New Zealand, but not on Stewart Island. The leaves are dark green, with a toothed edge. On the underside of the leaf small domatia are present. Clusters of small white flowers are produced in spring, and in late summer the flowers ...
Kirjoita oire tai sairaus ja lue yrtteistä, jotka saattavat auttaa, kirjoita yrtti ja näe taudit ja oireet, joita vastaan sitä käytetään.
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