Chamaenerion fleischeri, formerly Epilobium fleischeri, commonly known as Alpine willowherb, is a herbaceous perennial plant of the family Onagraceae.
The biological life-form of Chamaenerion fleischeri is [[[Glossary of botanical terms|scapose]] [Raunkiær plant life-form#Hemicryptophytes|hemicryptophyte]], as its overwintering buds are situated just below the soil surface and the floral axis is more or less erect with a few leaves. This plant reaches on average 10–40 centimetres (3.9–15.7 in) in ...
Kirjoita oire tai sairaus ja lue yrtteistä, jotka saattavat auttaa, kirjoita yrtti ja näe taudit ja oireet, joita vastaan sitä käytetään.
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