[Clinical aspects and differential diagnosis of malabsorption].
The classical symptoms of malabsorption syndrome are diarrhea, steatorrhea, weight loss, and fatigue. Tetany, ecchymosis, anorexia, bone pain, pallor, muscle wasting, hyperpigmentation, apathy, digital clubbing, abdominal distention which contrasts in view of the reduced common statement are other signs of malabsorption. Long before the onset of these symptoms there may be a disinterest in regular daily activities often associated with the passage of three soft stools per day and with the remarkable sign of difficulties in flushing bulky stools. Anamnesia, clinical examination in connection with common laboratory findings, small intestinal x-rays and endoscopic investigations associated with biopsies of the small (and large) bowel as well as estimation of stool fat excretion, xylose- and Schilling-test allow the diagnosis in most of the cases.