[Neuro-MR-findings in primary panhypopituitarism].
Congenital panhypopituitarism is a rare disease. It may be a complication of tumors, craniocerebral trauma, infection, granulomatous diseases, vascular pathologies, etc. In many cases no primary disease causing panhypopituitarism is found (idiopathic form). A potential reason is interruption of the pituitary stalk due to ischemic etiology in patients with cord encirclement and/or other birth injuries leading to interruption of the axonal transport of ADH and oxytocin as well as hypothalamic releasing hormones. This explains the ectopy of the neurohypophysis without diabetes insipidus and the hypoplasia of the adenohypophysis. GH-deficiency causes short stature and metabolic disturbances, LH-FSH-deficiency amenorrhoea/oligomenorrhoea, loss of libido and secondary sexual characteristics, TRH-deficiency hypothyroidism and ACTH-deficiency hypotonia, weakness, loss of pigmentation. We report a case of congenital panhypopituitarism. MR imaging of the brain revealed a hypoplastic adenohypophysis and a hypoplastic pituitary stalk which was interrupted in its superior segment. An ectopic neurohypophysis was found located in the area of the hypothalamus ("hypothalamic hot spot"). The ectopic neurohypophysis showed strong enhancement after intravenous application of Gd-DTPA. MR imaging of the hypothalamic-hypophyseal axis is well suited for the differentiation between congenital and acquired forms of panhypopituitarism in clinically uncertain cases.