Haitian Creole

abruptio placentae/hypoxia

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Chronic hypertension, cigarette smoking, and abruptio placentae.

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We investigated the importance of maternal hypertension and cigarette smoking, and their interaction, as risk factors for abruptio placentae, using Massachusetts birth certificate data for 1987-1988. We used multiple logistic regression procedures to model data from 943 abruptio placentae cases and

Fetal cerebral and umbilical Doppler in pregnancies complicated by late-onset placental abruption.

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OBJECTIVE To evaluate whether changes in the cerebroplacental Doppler and birth weight (BW) suggestive of chronic fetal hypoxemia, precede the development of late-onset placental abruption (PA) after 32 weeks. METHODS In a multicenter retrospective study, the Doppler examinations of the fetal

Assessment of in utero hypoxia and risk of sudden infant death syndrome.

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Few data are available on the role of hypoxia in sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). The purpose of this study was to assess whether 10 antenatal factors consistent with in utero hypoxia were associated with an increased risk of SIDS. Cases and two sets of controls were chosen from the Upstate New

[Placental chorangiosis associated with abruption and hypoxia].

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Chorangiosis is a rare abnormality of placental capillary proliferation, associated with hypoxia in utero. A 23-year-old primigravida developed placental abruption at 33 weeks' gestation, and an emergency cesarean section was performed. Placental histology revealed chorangiosis. The infant was in

The effect of intrauterine hypoxia on the child surviving to 4 years.

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Intrauterine hypoxia/asphyxia is an unchallenged cause of perinatal death, but whether sublethal degrees of hypoxia result frequently in brain damage in surviving infants is less certain. To test this hypothesis, obstetric patients with abruptio placentae, placenta previa, and prolapse of the

[Uterine pathomorphology in abruptio placentae].

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15 uteri removed surgically because of abruptio placentae (AP) were studied morphologically. AP develops as a process due to a combination of maternal (endometritis, gestosis, adenomyosis), placental (pathology of microvilli, hypercoagulation of venous blood) and hemorheological (thrombosis of

Intrauterine fetal demise can be remote from the inciting insult in an animal model of hypoxia-ischemia.

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BACKGROUND Fetal hypoxia-ischemia (H-I) results in significant morbidity and mortality. Little is known about the timing of death in human stillbirths. The vulnerability of the fetus varies with age at the time of insult, but it is unknown what happens to the timing of fetal death in relation to a

Etiology, clinical manifestations, and prediction of placental abruption.

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Placental abruption, defined as complete or partial detachment of the placenta before delivery, is one of the most devastating pregnancy complications. Bleeding and pain consist the classical symptoms of placental abruption but the clinical picture varies from asymptomatic, in which the diagnosis is

Subacute Hypoxia-Ischemia and the Timing of Injury in Treatment With Therapeutic Hypothermia.

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OBJECTIVE This study aims to categorize infants treated with therapeutic hypothermia who presented with suspected subacute hypoxia-ischemia-that is, injury that likely occurred well before delivery and thus beyond the 6-hour window for therapeutic hypothermia-and to contrast the clinical

Perinatal and maternal outcome following abruptio placentae.

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OBJECTIVE To characterize the maternal and fetal presentation of abruptio placentae and associated maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality by mode of delivery and fetal status on admission. METHODS Perinatal data (gestational age > 24 weeks) from women with abruptio placentae at a tertiary

A model of cerebral palsy from fetal hypoxia-ischemia.

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Disorders of the maternal-placental-fetal unit often results in fetal brain injury, which in turn results in one of the highest burdens of disease, because of the lifelong consequences and cost to society. Investigating hypoxia-ischemia in the perinatal period requires the factoring of timing of the

Clinical features of abruptio placentae as a prominent cause of cerebral palsy.

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BACKGROUND Although abruptio placentae causes hypoxia in the infant and thus leading to cerebral palsy (CP), its incidence and clinical features at a nationwide level have not been demonstrated. OBJECTIVE To determine the proportion of abruptio placentae among antenatal and intrapartum causative

Outcome of IVF pregnancies following severe OHSS.

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Because severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) is a potentially life-threatening iatrogenic complication, much effort is made to prevent it and the anticipated pregnancy naturally becomes of secondary importance. There are many publications on OHSS, but very few on pregnancy outcomes. This

Influence of perinatal care on stillbirths in patients of low socio-economic class.

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In a series of 12,587 deliveries in patients of low socio-economic class, there were 356 stillbirths; prospective analysis of these showed that 42.1% occurred in the 4.7% of cases in which the mother had received no antenatal care. When booked and unbooked patients were compared it was found that

Pregnancy outcomes following hospitalisation for a fall in Washington State from 1987 to 2004.

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OBJECTIVE To evaluate the risk of adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes among pregnant women hospitalised following falls. METHODS A population-based retrospective cohort study. METHODS Washington State, USA. METHODS Pregnant women with a fetal death or live birth certificate linked to the
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