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[Assessment of relationship between cord blood cotinine levels and some factors of perinatal hypoxia].

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OBJECTIVE To determine the relationship between cord blood cotinine levels and some markers of perinatal hypoxia such as cord blood erythropoietin levels, parameters of umbilical arterial blood gas analysis and Apgar scores. METHODS 150 women with uncomplicated, healthy singleton pregnancies were

Antenatal smoking and substance-misuse, infant and newborn response to hypoxia.

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OBJECTIVE To determine at the peak age for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) the ventilatory response to hypoxia of infants whose mothers substance misused in pregnancy (SM infants), or smoked during pregnancy (S mothers) and controls whose mothers neither substance misused or smoked. In addition,

Tobacco-induced neuronal degeneration via cotinine in rats subjected to experimental spinal cord injury.

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OBJECTIVE Cigarette smoke contains over 4000 chemicals including well-characterized toxicants and carcinogens, among which is cotinine. Cotinine is the principal metabolite of nicotine that has adverse affects on the microcirculation via vasoconstriction, hypoxia and the wound-healing cascade. Its

Tobacco smoke chemicals attenuate brain-to-blood potassium transport mediated by the Na,K,2Cl-cotransporter during hypoxia-reoxygenation.

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Smoking tobacco, including cigarettes, has been associated with an increased incidence and relative risk for cerebral infarction in both men and women. Recently, we have shown that nicotine and cotinine attenuate abluminal (brain facing) K(+) uptake mediated by the Na,K,2Cl-cotransporter (NKCC) in

[The level of cotinine - marker of tobacco smoking, in patients with hyperthyroidism].

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BACKGROUND Orbitopathy associated with Graves' disease TAO (thyroid associated orbitopathy) is likewise connected with environmental factors including tobacco smoking. Tobacco smoking increases the risk of ophthalmologic pathology and leads to the orbital tissue damage due to the hypoxia. The aim of

Deficient hypoxia awakening response in infants of smoking mothers: possible relationship to sudden infant death syndrome.

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OBJECTIVE To determine whether fetal exposure to cigarette smoke impairs postnatal chemoreceptor control of ventilation and hypercapnic and hypoxic awakening responses. METHODS Smoking (n = 13) and nonsmoking (n = 34) women were recruited during pregnancy. Serum cotinine levels were measured to
The blood-brain barrier (BBB) adapts to a variety of pathological processes. Little is known about the effects of nicotine exposure on BBB function and the ability to adapt to stroke conditions. We have demonstrated, using a well-characterized in vitro BBB model, bovine brain microvessel endothelial

Maternal smoking and fetal erythropoietin levels.

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OBJECTIVE To determine the influence of maternal smoking on fetal erythropoietin concentrations in health term pregnancies and test the correlation between cotinine, a biomarker of maternal smoking, and erythropoietin levels in fetuses. METHODS We invited women with healthy term pregnancies to

Maternal nicotinic exposure produces a depressed hypoxic ventilatory response and subsequent death in postnatal rats.

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In this study, we asked whether a "full term" prenatal nicotinic exposure (fPNE, 6 mg·kg(-1)·day(-1) nicotinic delivery) over the full gestation, compared to a traditional PNE (tPNE) over the last two-thirds of the gestation, caused a higher mortality following a remarkable depressed hypoxic

The effect of tobacco exposure on the fetal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.

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OBJECTIVE Our objective was to determine if maternal smoking is associated with programming of the fetal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. Cigarette smoking, which induces a state of hypoxia in the fetus, may promote in utero'programming' of the HPA axis. In utero, adaptations to the HPA

Joint influence of alcohol, tobacco, and coffee on biological markers of heavy drinking in alcoholics.

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BACKGROUND Recent reports suggest that gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) decreases with coffee intake. The aim of this study was to examine the joint influence of alcohol, tobacco, cotinine, coffee, and caffeine on biological markers of heavy drinking in an alcoholic population. METHODS Subjects were

Protein kinase C family members as a target for regulation of blood-brain barrier Na,K,2Cl-cotransporter during in vitro stroke conditions and nicotine exposure.

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OBJECTIVE The aim of the study is to identify specific protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms involvement in K(+) transport mediated at altered blood-brain barrier (BBB) response to stroke conditions with prior nicotine exposure, which provides ways to intervene pharmacologically in PKC-mediated molecular

Histopathologic and Immunohistochemical Investigation of the Effects of Vitamin C on Bone Healing in Rats Exposed to Nicotine.

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The aim of the present study was to perform a histopathologic and immunohistochemical investigation of the effects of vitamin C on bone healing in rats exposed to nicotine.A total of 52 male Sprague-Dawley rats were assigned to 4 main groups: control,

Prostacyclin-like activity in umbilical arteries is dose-dependently reduced by maternal smoking and related to nicotine levels.

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The influence of maternal smoking on the formation of prostacyclin-like activity in human umbilical arteries was studied in 84 unselected term deliveries. In arteries from infants of nonsmoking mothers the prostacyclin-like activity measured by a bioassay technique amounted to 81 +/- 37 ng/g (mean

Cigarette smoking, nicotine and pregnancy.

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Smoking cigarettes during pregnancy and nursing causes considerable health damage to the fetus and to the infant during the initial growth phase. A smoking mother puts her child at considerable risk, not only of higher incidence of spontaneous abortion, premature ablatio placentae and reduced weight
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