Haitian Creole

fibromuscular dysplasia/seizures

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15 tuloksia

Internal Carotid Artery Fibromuscular Dysplasia in a Child: Incidental Postmortem Finding after Head Injury.

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Fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD) is a rare, segmental, nonatheromatous, and noninflammatory arterial disease of unknown etiology. It predominantly involves renal artery (60-75%) followed by extracranial part of the internal carotid artery and vertebral arteries (25-30%). The disease typically affects

Fibromuscular Dysplasia Leading to Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection with Sudden Cardiac Arrest.

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A 30-year-old previously healthy female, who was six-week postpartum, experienced sudden collapse and tonic-clonic seizure. Emergency medicine services arrived at the scene and the patient was found to be in ventricular fibrillation. Advanced cardiovascular life support (ACLS) was initiated with

A case of posterior reversible leukoencephalopathy syndrome caused by fibromuscular dysplasia.

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A 23-year-old woman presented with disturbance of consciousness and seizure. Her blood pressure was remarkably high, and brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed high-intensity T2 signals in the bilateral basal ganglia, corpus callosum, cerebral white matter, and cortex. With the administration

Fibromuscular dysplasia in a child: a generalized arterial disease.

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After slight prodromal symptoms a fourteen-year-old girl had epileptic convulsions followed by a right-sided hemiplegia. Carotid angiogram showed almost total occlusion of the left arteria cerebri media. Six weeks later she developed elevated blood pressure followed by convulsions and lowered

[Moyamoya disease: follow-up of 12 patients].

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BACKGROUND We present 12 patients with moyamoya disease and their evolution from an early age to adulthood in some cases. METHODS The patients (nine females and three males) were first studied before 10 years of age because of neurological disease. Bilateral carotid and vertebrobasilar

Renovascular hypertension associated with pseudoaneurysm following blunt trauma.

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We present the case of a 21-year-old man who developed a renal artery pseudoaneurysm following a 7-foot fall onto his back. He initially presented with gross hematuria, left flank pain, and back pain. He was observed in the hospital for 3 days and discharged. One week later, he was readmitted with

Cerebrovascular disease in children.

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Stroke although rare in children, is an important cause of morbidity in the paediatric age group. Over a period of 8 years, 43 children (17 boys and 26 girls) in the age groups of 1-16 years (mean 8.02 yrs) presented with stroke which constituted 10% of all strokes in the young and 0.7% of all

Childhood ischemic stroke in a nonurban population.

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A 10-year, retrospective review of the etiology, outcome, and complications of ischemic stroke in children from a nonurban population was conducted. Twenty-seven children were identified (14 boys, 13 girls), ages 1.25 to 17 years (mean 7.7 years). Etiologies included undetermined (22%), arterial

[Moyamoya disease. A cause of vascular occlusion in childhood].

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OBJECTIVE The objective of this study was to review the cases of Moya-Moya diagnosed in our center. METHODS We reviewed the Moya-Moya cases diagnosed from 1979 to 1997. We evaluated the following elements: age of clinical onset, sex, clinical features, complementary examinations, neuroimage,

Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty Improved Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome due to Renovascular Hypertension.

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A 51-year-old man was admitted to our hospital complaining of preceding throbbing headache and tonic convulsions. Headache and convulsive seizure disappeared and his consciousness recovered to alert within 2 hours after onset. Neurological examination showed no abnormal findings. Laboratory

Open surgical reconstruction of the internal carotid artery aneurysm at the base of the skull.

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OBJECTIVE Aneurysms of the internal carotid artery (ICA) at the base of the skull are uncommon dangerous lesions whose management remains unclear. The aim of this retrospective study is to report a standardized surgical technique of ICA reconstruction with long-term results. METHODS Between 1988 and

Reno-vascular hypertension in childhood: a nationwide survey.

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Renovascular disease accounts for 8-10% of all cases of paediatric hypertension, whereas, in adults, its incidence is approximately 1%. The Turkish Paediatric Hypertension Group aimed to create the first registry database for childhood renovascular hypertension in Turkey. Twenty of the 28 paediatric

Hemorrhagic stroke and renovascular hypertension with Grange syndrome arising from a novel pathogenic variant in YY1AP1.

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Pediatric hypertension can cause hypertensive emergencies, including hemorrhagic stroke, contributing to rare but serious childhood morbidity and mortality. Renovascular hypertension (RVH) is one of the major causes of secondary hypertension in children. Grange syndrome (MIM#602531) is a rare

Long-term follow-up of occlusive cervical carotid dissection.

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We retrospectively studied 19 cases of occlusive cervical carotid dissection encountered at our hospital between 1974 and 1984 and followed for 5-13 (mean 8.2) years to assess the long-term prognosis of the disease. Five patients had transient ischemic attacks, seven had minor stroke, six had major

Primary intraventricular hemorrhage in adults: clinical features, risk factors, and outcome.

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OBJECTIVE Nontraumatic primary intraventricular hemorrhage in adults is uncommon. The purpose of this study was to identify clinical features, risk factors, and outcome of primary intraventricular hemorrhage in adults. METHODS We identified computed tomography scans for nontraumatic primary
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