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Standardized extracts of Ginkgo biloba leaves are mainly used in the treatment of peripheral and celebral circulation disorders, and also as a remedy against asthma, coughs, bladder inflammation, blenorrhagia and alcohol abuse. The leaf extracts contain biflavones, flavonol glycosides and terpene
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An UHPLC-PDA-ESI/HRMS(n) profiling method was used to identify the glucosinolates and flavonoids of Rorippa indica (Cruciferae), a wild vegetable and Chinese herb used to treat cough, diarrhea, and rheumatoid arthritis. Thirty-three glucosinolates, more than 40 flavonol glycosides, and 18 other
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Alpinia galanga Willd (Zingiberaceae) (AG) is a rhizomatous herb widely cultivated in shady regions of Malaysia, India, Indochina and Indonesia. It is used in southern India as a domestic remedy for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, cough, asthma, obesity, diabetes, etc. It was
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