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Herbal products are increasingly used for their effects on the immune system. Milk Thistle, a commonly used herbal product is known to inhibit growth of certain tumors, although the mechanism of this effect remains unknown. Previously we have shown that Milk Thistle extracts stimulate
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Silymarin, a flavonolignan complex isolated from milk thistle, is a cytoprotective, antioxidant, and hepatoprotective agent. The present study was designed to investigate the immunomodulatory effects of orally administered silymarin in patients with β-thalassemia major.
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Despite multimodal treatment approaches, the prognosis of brain metastases (BM) from non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) remains poor. Untreated patients with BM have a median survival of about 1 month, with almost all patients dying from neurological causes. We herein present the first report
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Immunosuppressive drugs have been developed from natural products such as soil and fungi, which are also the sources of some commonly used herbal products. However, the effect of herbal products on immune response has not been investigated. Because these products can affect the host immune system
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Physicians are increasingly encountering patients who use herbal products. Some of these products are known to modulate the immune system but their scientific basic is not well established. Because these products can affect the host immune system, they could be beneficial in the treatment
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