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Background: The association between atopic sensitisation, atopic eczema (AE) and asthma is known, but distinct roles of allergies on long-term health are unestablished.
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It is well known that many aspects of food allergy are lacking sufficient research and publication. Practising evidence-based medicine in this field is, therefore, a particular challenge. Internationally, there is considerable variation in practices and no agreed treatment pathways. The
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The case history of a 12 months old boy with recurrent pneumonia following ingestion of cow's milk is described. After receiving cow's milk containing formula he presented with fever, tachypnea, diffuse rales and crepitations over both lungs. The chest X-ray revealed marked bilateral alveolar
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We report a 76-day old infant who got diarrhea within the first week of life. He was treated as acute gastroenterocolitis and kept on feeding with regular infant formula. Because the symptoms persisted, the feeding formula was shifted to soy-based formula then to the highly-hydrolyzed formula and
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The age of discovery and initial symptoms of cow milk allergy can vary. Lactic acidosis is exceptionally associated to this allergy.
A 32-day-old girl was admitted for a severe malaise with metabolic acidosis and hyperlactacidemia. There were no neonatal or family problems; breastfeeding was
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A series of 135 subjects (134 children and one adult) with documented or suspected systemic allergy were prick-tested before a measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccination. Atopic eczema was documented in 68, asthma in 47, and cow's-milk allergy in 11 examinees; eight children were evaluated
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Infantile persistent diarrhea series are not well documented in the literature. Evaluating the literature, the aim of this study was to document persistent diarrhea cases followed in our center and to constitute a practical diagnostic algorithm for the pediatrician by means of surveying
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Kirjoita oire tai sairaus ja lue yrtteistä, jotka saattavat auttaa, kirjoita yrtti ja näe taudit ja oireet, joita vastaan sitä käytetään. * Kaikki tiedot perustuvat julkaistuun tieteelliseen tutkimukseen