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A woman presented with a history of three regressive comas of undetectable etiology between the age of 52 and 57 years. An IgG lambda benign monoclonal dysglobulinemia was combined with a papular mucinosis (myxedematous lichen or the generalized form of Arndt-Gotton's scleromyxedema). In the 6
Vain rekisteröityneet käyttäjät voivat kääntää artikkeleita
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The mucinoses of the type of scleredema and scleromyxedema are diseases marked by excessive production of mucin deposits in the skin and subcutaneous tissue, which causes skin hardening. The skin and subcutaneous deposits hamper the movement of limbs, the thorax as well as mouth. The same
Vain rekisteröityneet käyttäjät voivat kääntää artikkeleita
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A 52-year-old woman was admitted with a 3 weeks history of periorbital edema and lips swelling. She developed several subcutaneous firm erythematous papules and nodules on the face, scalp and two indurated plaques on the upper back and left forearm. These lesions grew rapidly. The patient had a
Vain rekisteröityneet käyttäjät voivat kääntää artikkeleita
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Scleromyxoedema is a rare generalized cutaneous mucinosis, which in absence of thyroid disease, occurs almost invariably in patients with monoclonal gammopathies. A 54-year-old female patient presented with complaint of tightening of skin on the extremities, abdomen, forehead, gradually progressive
Vain rekisteröityneet käyttäjät voivat kääntää artikkeleita
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Scleromyxedema (SM) is a sclerotic variant of lichen or papular mucinosis in which lichenoid papules and scleroderma-like features are both present. It is a rare deposition disorder characterized by generalized papular and sclerodermoid eruptions, mucin deposition, increased fibroblast
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