Haitian Creole

nasal polyps/nikotiini

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Sex difference in counts of α4 and α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the nasal polyps of adults with or without exposure to tobacco smoke.

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OBJECTIVE To assess counts of α4 and α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in nasal polyps of adults with or without long-term exposure to cigarette tobacco smoke. METHODS Twenty-two patients with and 22 patients without exposure to cigarette tobacco smoke participated in the study. After endoscopic

Revealing anti-cariogenic efficacy of smokeless tobacco: A pilot study.

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BACKGROUND The tobacco plant, Nicotiana tabacum, has been responsible for more deaths than any other herb. However, the literature has also been endowed with its use as "holy herb" since the pre-Columbian era. Used for treating pain, poisonous bites, ulcers, nasal polyps, and basal cell carcinoma;

[92 cases of allergic-type nasal polyp. A methodology for its etiological characterization].

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The etiopathogenesis of nasal allergic polyps is poorly understood; an immunological mediated mechanism is commonly admitted. A clinic-pathological study of 92 cases of nasal polyps is reported. The occupational and or environmental background of the patients was recorded. Appropriate histochemical

Impact of tobacco smoke on upper airway dendritic cell accumulation and regulation by sinonasal epithelial cells.

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In these studies we examined the impact of environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) and active smoking on sinonasal dendritic cell (DC) subsets in controls or patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP). In subsequent in-vitro investigations, we examined the influence of cigarette smoke

A case-control study of the risk factors associated with sinonasal inverted papilloma.

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BACKGROUND The etiology of sinonasal inverted papilloma (IP) is unknown. This study was designed to evaluate the possible risk factors associated with IP Methods: This is a case-control epidemiology study in a tertiary referral center. Fifty patients with IP and 150 matched controls were interviewed

Association of inverted sinonasal papilloma with non-sinonasal head-and-neck carcinoma.

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The nature and pathogenesis of inverted papilloma of the nose and paranasal sinuses are debated. Evidence suggesting a viral association is controversial, and epidemiological evidence has pointed to tobacco smoking as a potential etiologic factor. A retrospective regional cohort of 197 patients with

Rhinoscopical findings in nickel workers, with special emphasis on the influence of nickel exposure and smoking habits.

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Rhinoscopy and X-ray examination were performed on 318 nickel workers and 57 controls, to study the significance of these methods in detecting cancerous and precancerous mucosal changes. The clinical and radiological findings were compared with histopathological data and mucosal nickel

Precision medicine in united airways disease: A "treatable traits" approach.

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United airways disease (UAD) is the concept that the upper and lower airways, which are anatomically and immunologically related, form a single organ. According to this concept, upper and lower airway diseases are frequently comorbid because they reflect manifestations of a single underlying disease

Reactive oxygen species in chronic rhinosinusitis and secondhand smoke exposure.

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OBJECTIVE Reactive oxygen species (ROS) can potentiate cellular injury and inflammation. This study aimed to (1) assess the presence of reactive oxygen species in the sinus tissue of patients with chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) and (2) assess the impact of secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure on reactive

The effect of smoking on CT score, bacterial colonization and distribution of inflammatory cells in the upper airways of patients with chronic rhinosinusitis.

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OBJECTIVE The study was designed to determine whether smoking affects CT score, bacterial colonization of the upper airways and distribution of inflammatory cells in nasal mucosa in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis. METHODS Sixty-four patients were enrolled in the prospective study. We

Chronic Rhinosinusitis Impairs Sleep Quality: Results of the GA2LEN Study.

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To analyze the prevalence of sleep problems in subjects with Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) and to determine whether the disease severity of CRS affects sleep quality. Questionnaires were sent to a random sample of 45 000 adults in four Swedish cities. Questions on CRS, asthma, allergic rhinitis,

A case-control study of the risk factors associated with sinonasal inverted papilloma.

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BACKGROUND The etiology of sinonasal inverted papilloma (IP) is unknown. This study was designed to evaluate the possible risk factors associated with IP Methods: This is a case-control epidemiology study in a tertiary referral center. Fifty patients with IP and 150 matched controls were interviewed

Chapter 14: Nonallergic rhinitis.

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Rhinitis is characterized by one or more of the following nasal symptoms: congestion, rhinorrhea (anterior and posterior), sneezing, and itching. It is classified as allergic or nonallergic, the latter being a diverse syndrome that is characterized by symptoms of rhinitis that are not the result of

The clinical behavior of inverting papilloma of the nose and paranasal sinuses: report of 112 cases and review of the literature.

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Between 1944 and 1987, 112 patients with inverting papilloma of the nasal cavity were treated. The average duration of follow-up for this population was 6.2 years. The most common symptoms were nasal obstruction and history of previous surgery for nasal "polyps". Recurrence rates were lower when

The impact of bronchiectasis associated to sinonasal disease on quality of life.

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BACKGROUND Bronchiectasis (BQs) is an uncommon disease with the potential to cause devastating complications. All patients with BQs have cough and chronic sputum production that may have a great impact on patient's quality of life. Upper airway symptoms are also frequent in patients with BQs.
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