Haitian Creole

proanthocyanidin c1/karies

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Effects of silver diamine fluoride/potassium iodide on artificial root caries lesions with adjunctive application of proanthocyanidin.

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Treatment of carious root surfaces remains challenging due to the complex pathological processes and difficulty in restoring the original structure of root dentine. Current treatments targeting the de-/re-mineralisation processes are not entirely satisfactory in terms of the protection of the

Synergistic effects of proanthocyanidin, tri-calcium phosphate and fluoride on artificial root caries and dentine collagen.

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BACKGROUND Proanthocyanidin has been shown to enhance dentine collagen stability and remineralization of artificial root caries. OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effect of proanthocyanidin (PA) in combination with tri-calcium phosphate (TCP) and fluoride (F) on resistance to collagen degradation and

Biomimetic approach for root caries prevention using a proanthocyanidin-rich agent.

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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a proanthocyanidin-rich grape seed extract (GSE) on the in vitro demineralization of root dentine. Root fragments were obtained from sound human teeth. The fragments were randomly assigned to different treatments solutions: GSE, fluoride (F),

Synergistic effect of proanthocyanidin and CPP-ACFP on remineralization of artificial root caries.

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This study evaluated the synergistic effect of proanthocyanidin (PA) and casein phosphopeptide amorphous calcium fluoride phosphate (CPP-ACFP) on remineralization of artificial root caries. Demineralized root fragments (n = 90) were randomly divided into six groups based on treatments: (1) 6.5% PA;
Cranberry crude extracts, in various vehicles, have shown inhibitory effects on the formation of oral biofilms in vitro. The presence of proanthocyanidins (PAC) in cranberry extracts has been linked to biological activities against specific virulence attributes of Streptococcus mutans, e.g. the

Effect of silver diamine fluoride and proanthocyanidin on resistance of carious dentin to acid challenges

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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of silver diamine fluoride and grape seed extract on the microstructure and mechanical properties of carious dentin following exposure to acidic challenge. Ninety-eight molars with occlusal caries were used. In the control group the specimens were

Effect of Silver Diamine Fluoride and Proanthocyanidin on Mechanical Properties of Caries-Affected Dentin.

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Inner carious dentin is specified with decreased minerals and collagen cross-links but without protein denaturation. Current minimally invasive dentistry concepts recommend removal of only the outer layer of carious dentin and biomodification of repairable inner carious dentin. The

Anti-caries activity of bark proanthocyanidins.

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Proanthocyanidin may improve the shear bond strength at the composites/dentine interface.

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TThis study aimed at assessing whether proanthocyanidin, a collagen cross-linker, affects the adhesion strength of resin composites on the dentine surface. Freshly extracted, caries-free, human molars (N=55) were embedded in transparent resin and bisected. The halves were then assigned to either a

The recovery effect of proanthocyanidin on microtensile bond strength to sodium hypochlorite-treated dentine.

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OBJECTIVE To evaluate the recovery effect of proanthocyanidin (PA) on microtensile bond strength (μTBS) to sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl)-treated dentine. METHODS Fifty-five freshly extracted third molars with intact dental crowns, no caries or restorations were sectioned to expose a sound middle layer

Biomimetic strategy to stabilize the mechanical properties of caries-affected dentin matrix: A 12-month in vitro study.

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To evaluate the effect of dentin biomodification on the long-term strength of sound and caries-affected (CA) dentin as a strategy to stabilize the dentin matrix. The biomodification strategy utilized a naturally occurring proanthocyanidin-rich Vitis vinifera grape seeds (Vv), and

Synergistic effect of proanthocyanidin on the bactericidal action of the photolysis of H2O2.

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The in vitro antibacterial activity of the hydroxyl radical generation system by the photolysis of H2O2 in combination with proanthocyanidin, which refers to a group of polyphenolic compounds, was examined. Bactericidal activity of photo-irradiated H2O2 at 405 nm against Streptococcus mutans, a

Site specific properties of carious dentin matrices biomodified with collagen cross-linkers.

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OBJECTIVE To assess in non-cavitated carious teeth the mechanical properties of dentin matrix by measuring its reduced modulus of elasticity and the effect of dentin biomodification strategies on three dentin matrix zones: caries-affected, apparently normal dentin below caries-affected zone and

Effect of flavonoids on remineralization of artificial root caries.

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This study compared the effects of three flavonoids, including proanthocyanidin, naringin and quercetin on remineralization of artificial root caries. Demineralized root fragments (n = 75) were randomly divided into five groups for treatment with the remineralizing agents for 10 minutes: (1) 6.5%

In vitro remineralization effects of grape seed extract on artificial root caries.

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Grape seed extract (GSE) contains proanthocyanidins (PA), which has been reported to strengthen collagen-based tissues by increasing collagen cross-links. We used an in vitro pH-cycling model to evaluate the effect of GSE on the remineralization of artificial root caries. Sound human teeth fragments
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