Haitian Creole


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Effect of anoxia, 2,4-dinitrophenol and salicylate on xylose transport by isolated rat soleus muscle.

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1. These studies examined the theory that ATP served to regulate muscle sugar transport by a feedback mechanism. Xylose uptake by isolated rat soleus muscle was determined over a 5-min period following preincubation at 37 degrees C for various times in the presence of insulin (0.1 unit/ml),

Endurance training and chronic intermittent hypoxia modulate in vitro salicylate-induced hepatic mitochondrial dysfunction.

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Mitochondrial function is modulated by multiple approaches including physical activity, which can afford cross-tolerance against a variety of insults. We therefore aimed to analyze the effects of endurance-training (ET) and chronic-intermittent hypobaric-hypoxia (IHH) on liver mitochondrial

Effect of salicylate on the expression of adipokines and glucose transporters in human adipocytes is modulated by hypoxia.

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Salicylate levels in a stillborn infant born to a drug-addicted mother, with comments on pathology and analytical methodology.

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A 34-year-old mother habituated to the excessive use of salicylates gave birth to a still born infant with a salicylate level of 25 mg/dL in the whole blood and 12 mg% in the liver. The analytical methodology for the determination of salicylates is described. Pathological findings included an acute

Endothelial cell injury in cardiac surgery: salicylate may be protective by reducing expression of endothelial adhesion molecules.

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OBJECTIVE Cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass induces ischemia to the heart, hypoxemia to various tissues and release of endotoxins. The endothelial cell may suffer from hypoxia and trigger cascades of adverse reactions by activation of neutrophils through adhesion molecules. The authors

The potential role of hypoxia inducible factor 1alpha in tumor progression after hypoxia and chemotherapy in hepatocellular carcinoma.

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This study investigates the possible molecular basis leading to failure in a treatment that is composed of hypoxia and chemotherapy in a rat orthotopic hepatoma model. Hypoxia was induced by hepatic artery ligation, whereas chemotherapeutic effect was achieved by intraportal injection of cisplatin.

Effect of anoxia on spontaneous discharges of the cochlear single unit in guinea pigs.

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The present experiment examined the effect of anoxia on the spontaneous discharges of cochlear single units in guinea pigs; several additional animals were tested for the combined effect of anoxia and sodium salicylate. Following the induction of anoxia, initial increases in the number of

Acute alterations in [Ca2+]i in NG108-15 cells subjected to high strain rate deformation and chemical hypoxia: an in vitro model for neural trauma.

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The short-term (less than 2 min) alterations in the intracellular free calcium concentration in differentiated NG108-15 (neuroblastoma cross glioma) cells exposed to dynamic mechanical deformation with and without superimposed chemical hypoxia were determined. A previously developed device, modified

[Effect of ascorbic acid during acute iterative anoxia, hypothesis of an anti-oxidizing mechanism of action in comparison with the effect of hydroquinone].

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Some of the problems which appear during senescence, are said to be caused by cerebral oxygen deficiency and various experiments have been set up to try to imitate this particular aspect of the ageing process. We have already studied the action of many drugs with regard to acute repeated anoxia. Our

Protection of bradykinin on neonatal rat myocytes subjected to anoxia/reoxygenation injury.

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This study was to investigate the effects of bradykinin (BK) on myocyte cultures. The effects of BK against lipid peroxidation and oxygen free radicals were estimated on an anoxia/reoxygenation injured model. A salicylate hydroxylation product dihydroxybenzoic acids (DHBA) was detected using HPLC

Hydroxyl radical production in the substantia nigra after 6-hydroxydopamine and hypoxia-reoxygenation.

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To study the involvement of oxidative stress in 6-OHDA neurotoxicity, we investigated the production of the hydroxyl free radical (OH.) in the substantia nigra (SN) and the striatum (CS) several moments after intranigral injection of the neurotoxin, with or without an added episode of hypoxia (30
Isolated adult rat cardiac myocytes were subjected to anoxia and substrate deprivation for 15, 30, 60, 90, and 120 minutes and reoxygenation for 120 seconds. The supernatant and cell extract were analyzed for hydroxyl radicals (.OH) with high-performance liquid chromatography using salicylate as a

Effect of melatonin on production of hydroxyl radical and lactate dehydrogenase during hypoxia in rat cortical slices.

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OBJECTIVE To study the effect of melatonin on the production of hydroxyl radical (.OH) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) following hypoxia in cortical slice. METHODS Cortical slice was incubated with artificial cerebrospinal fluid (ACSF) in tube. Hypoxia was achieved by substituting 91.6% N2 and 8.4%

Protein binding of salicylate and quinidine in plasma from patients with renal failure, chronic liver disease and chronic respiratory insufficiency.

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The plasma protein binding of a representative acidic drug, salicylate, and a representative basic drug, quinidine, has been studied in patients with several diseases that are sometimes associated with uraemia or a change in serum albumin level. Decreased plasma protein binding of salicylate was
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