Haitian Creole


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[Cyclic edema & tetany in a neurotic woman: severe hypokalemia & intermittent hyperaldosteronism].

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Tetany, malabsorption, and mastocytosis.

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Mastocytosis is characterized by increased proliferation of mast cells. Two patients had systemic mastocytosis involving the skin and gastrointestinal tract, complicated by malabsorption and tetany. Absorption studies in these patients suggested that the entire small bowel was involved and that the

[Tetany as a sole manifestation in a patient with Bartter's syndrome and a successful treatment with indomethacin].

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37 year-old man presented to our clinic because of tetany that occurred during driving a car in the morning. He had no anorexia, chronic diarrhea or vomiting. He was normotensive and no edema was noted. On neurological examination, he was rather apprehensive and Trousseau sign was mildly positive.

Hypocalcemia and tetany caused by vitamin D deficiency in a child with intestinal lymphangiectasia.

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Primary intestinal lymphangiectasia is a rare disease of children, which is characterized by chronic diarrhea and complicated with malnutrition, including fat-soluble vitamin deficiency. We report a girl aged 4 years and 8 months who was diagnosed with the disease by endoscopic duodenal biopsy at 8

Everolimus for Primary Intestinal Lymphangiectasia With Protein-Losing Enteropathy.

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Primary intestinal lymphangiectasia (PIL), also known as Waldmann's disease, is an exudative enteropathy resulting from morphologic abnormalities in the intestinal lymphatics. In this article, we describe a 12-year-old boy with PIL that led to protein-losing enteropathy characterized by diarrhea,

Paraphenylenediamine: Blackening more than just hair.

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Paraphenylenediamine is an important constituent of hair dye toxicity of which one could herald fatal complications such as rhabdomyolysis, renal failure, angioneurotic edema, and respiratory failure. We present a case of hair dye poisoning that presented with respiratory distress due to laryngeal

The evaluation and management of heat injuries in an intensive care unit.

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In this summer season (May-June 2014) most of the days temperature was more than 40°C. Our hospital is surrounded by huge slums area. The population which is low in socioeconomic status used to work in such high temperature for more than 8 h daily. Hence, they are very prone to develop heat injuries

Life span and tissue distribution of 111indium-labeled blood platelets in hypomagnesemic lambs.

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Circulating platelets may be activated by exposed triple-helical collagen in atherosclerotic lesions in Mg-deficient ruminants. Autologous platelets, labeled in vitro with 111In and determined to be active, were injected into 5 hypomagnesemic and 3 control lambs fed semipurified diets with 100 or

Health effects of long-term exposure to sodium sulfate dust.

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Information on adverse health effects of occupational exposures to sodium sulfate dust is lacking. A study was conducted on 119 workers from five sodium sulfate surface solution mines in Saskatchewan. The investigation involved the older workers and the workers at highest dust exposure levels and

Epidemiology of metabolic disorders in the periparturient dairy cow.

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The descriptive epidemiology and risk factors were reviewed for six clinical disorders: milk fever, downer cow syndrome, hypomagnesemic tetany, udder edema, left displaced abomasum, and ketosis. Data were included also from preliminary analyses of a data set from approximately 61,000 Finnish

[Consequence of habitual use of laxatives (author's transl)].

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Though habitual, but not excessive use of laxatives can be observed frequently, no accompanying clinical symptoms have yet been described. The frequent observation of tetany and edema is striking, there is a marked decrease of potassium clearance and an incipient impairment of creatinine clearance.

[A case of pseudo-Bartter's syndrome associated with hypokalemic myopathy].

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A case of pseudo-Bartter's syndrome associated with hypokalemic myopathy was presented. A 37-year-old housewife was admitted to our hospital because of muscle cramps with muscle weakness and tetany. There was a history of facial edema and constipation, which have been managed with "Kanpo medicine

Celiac disease and celiac crisis in children.

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OBJECTIVE To determine the frequency of clinical features of Celiac disease (CD) and Celiac crisis in children. METHODS Case series. METHODS Paediatrics Unit, Sheikh Zayed Medical College and Hospital, Rahim Yar Khan, from September 2009 to September 2010. METHODS Forty children aged between 4 to 13

Anesthesia and thyroid surgery: The never ending challenges.

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Thyroidectomy is the most common endocrine surgical procedure being carried out throughout the world. Besides, many patients who have deranged thyroid physiology, namely hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, have to undergo various elective and emergency surgical procedures at some stage of their

Pulmonary manifestations of endocrine and metabolic disorders.

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In summary, there are a number of important respiratory manifestations of endocrine diseases. Hypothyroidism may be associated with respiratory failure that can be caused by a reduction in central respiratory drive, upper airway obstruction, and associated restrictive pulmonary function from pleural
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