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Plants belonging to Artemisia spp. are known to biosynthesize a wide panel of 3,3-dimethylallyl- and sesquiterpenyl- substituted coumarins. In this short communication we applied a novel extraction methodology based on the use of subcritical butane under a counter-current mode to further
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Cancer is one of the greatest causes of mortality worldwide. The prevalence rates of different types of cancer is increasing around the world as well. Limitations in chemotherapy and radiotherapy, owing to multiple side effects including cytotoxic effects of antitumor compounds on normal cells as
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Kirjoita oire tai sairaus ja lue yrtteistä, jotka saattavat auttaa, kirjoita yrtti ja näe taudit ja oireet, joita vastaan sitä käytetään. * Kaikki tiedot perustuvat julkaistuun tieteelliseen tutkimukseen