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beta lapachone/cancer du sein

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Induction of apoptosis in MCF-7:WS8 breast cancer cells by beta-lapachone.

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Beta-lapachone (beta-lap) affects a number of enzymes in vitro, including type I topoisomerase (Topo I); however, its exact intracellular target(s) and mechanism of cell killing remain unknown. We compared the cytotoxic responses of MCF-7:WS8 (MCF-7) human breast cancer cells after 4-h pulses of

NQO1 is Required for β-Lapachone-Mediated Downregulation of Breast-Cancer Stem-Cell Activity.

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Cancer stem cells (CSCs) exhibit self-renewal activity and give rise to other cell types in tumors. Due to the infinite proliferative potential of CSCs, drugs targeting these cells are necessary to completely inhibit cancer development. The β-lapachone (bL) compound is widely used to treat cancer

Protein kinase A activation by β‑Lapachone is associated with apoptotic cell death in NQO1‑overexpressing breast cancer cells.

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One million females are diagnosed worldwide every year with breast cancer, and the mortality rate of these patients remains high. Several treatments, including surgery, are available for breast cancer. β‑Lapachone (β‑Lap), a natural quinone compound, has been developed for cancer treatment due to

β-lapachone suppresses tumour progression by inhibiting epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in NQO1-positive breast cancers.

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NQO1 is a FAD-binding protein that can form homodimers and reduce quinones to hydroquinones, and a growing body of evidence currently suggests that NQO1 is dramatically elevated in solid cancers. Here, we demonstrated that NQO1 was elevated in breast cancer and that its expression level was

Catalase abrogates β-lapachone-induced PARP1 hyperactivation-directed programmed necrosis in NQO1-positive breast cancers.

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Improving patient outcome by personalized therapy involves a thorough understanding of an agent's mechanism of action. β-Lapachone (clinical forms, Arq501/Arq761) has been developed to exploit dramatic cancer-specific elevations in the phase II detoxifying enzyme NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase

Activation of a cysteine protease in MCF-7 and T47D breast cancer cells during beta-lapachone-mediated apoptosis.

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beta-Lapachone (beta-lap) effectively killed MCF-7 and T47D cell lines via apoptosis in a cell-cycle-independent manner. However, the mechanism by which this compound activated downstream proteolytic execution processes were studied. At low concentrations, beta-lap activated the caspase-mediated
OBJECTIVE Alterations in the expression of antioxidant enzymes are associated with changes in cancer cell sensitivity to chemotherapeutic drugs (menadione and β-lapachone). Mechanisms of acquisition of resistance to pro-oxidant drugs were investigated using a model of oxidative stress-resistant
β-Lapachone (LPC) is a novel cytotoxic agent that is bioactivated by NADP(H): quinone oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1), an enzyme elevated in a variety of tumors, such as non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), pancreatic cancer, liver cancer, and breast cancer. Despite its unique mechanism of action, its

beta-Lapachone-induced apoptosis in human prostate cancer cells: involvement of NQO1/xip3.

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beta-Lapachone (beta-lap) induces apoptosis in various cancer cells, and its intracellular target has recently been elucidated in breast cancer cells. Here we show that NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase (NQO1/xip3) expression in human prostate cancer cells is a key determinant for apoptosis and

Inactivation of β-Lapachone Cytotoxicity by Filamentous Fungi that Mimic the Human Blood Metabolism.

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OBJECTIVE β-Lapachone is a drug candidate in phase II clinical trials for treatment of solid tumors. The therapeutic efficacy of β-lapachone is closely related to its metabolism, since this o-naphthoquinone produces cytotoxic effect after intracellular bioreduction by reactive oxygen species

Mu-calpain activation in beta-lapachone-mediated apoptosis.

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Beta-lapachone (beta-Lap) triggers apoptosis in a number of human breast and prostate cancer cell lines through a unique apoptotic pathway that is dependent upon NQO1, a two-electron reductase. Recently, our laboratory showed that beta-lap-exposed MCF-7 cells exhibited an early increase in

Release of mitochondrial cytochrome C in both apoptosis and necrosis induced by beta-lapachone in human carcinoma cells.

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BACKGROUND There are two fundamental forms of cell death: apoptosis and necrosis. Molecular studies of cell death thus far favor a model in which apoptosis and necrosis share very few molecular regulators. It appears that apoptotic processes triggered by a variety of stimuli converge on the

[Cytotoxicity of beta-lapachone, an naphthoquinone with possible therapeutic use].

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beta-lapachone (beta-lap) is a lipophilic o-naphthoquinone isolated from the bark of the lapacho tree. Initial observations proved its capability for inhibiting growth of Yoshida tumor and Walker 256 carcinosarcoma. beta-Lap redox-cycling in the presence of reductants and oxygen yields "reactive
NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase (NQO1) mediates cell death caused by the novel anti-cancer drug beta-lapachone (beta-lap). Therefore, beta-lap sensitivity of cells is positively related to the level of cellular NQO1. Heat shock up-regulates NQO1 expression in cancer cells, thereby enhancing the

eIF2 kinases mediate β-lapachone toxicity in yeast and human cancer cells.

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β-Lapachone (β-lap) is a novel anticancer agent that selectively induces cell death in human cancer cells, by activation of the NQO1 NAD(P)H dehydrogenase and radical oxygen species (ROS) generation. We characterized the gene expression profile of budding yeast cells treated with β-lap using cDNA
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