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leymus mollis/carbohydrate

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[Variations of water-soluble carbohydrate and nitrogen contents in Leymus chinensis and Phragmites communis under different stocking rates].

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The variations of the contents of water-soluble carbohydrate and nitrogen in L. chinensis and Ph. communis under different stocking rates were studied by fencing grazing experiment on L. chinensis grassland. The results indicated that the water-soluble carbohydrate content in the base stem of L.

Clipping defoliation and nitrogen addition shift competition between a C3 grass (Leymus chinensis) and a C4 grass (Hemarthria altissima).

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Human-induced disturbances, including grazing and clipping, that cause defoliation are common in natural grasslands. Plant functional type differences in the ability to compensate for this tissue loss may influence interspecific competition. To explore the effects of different intensities of

Effects of microbial enzymes on starch and hemicellulose degradation in total mixed ration silages.

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OBJECTIVE This study investigated the association of enzyme-producing microbes and their enzymes with starch and hemicellulose degradation during fermentation of total mixed ration (TMR) silage. METHODS The TMRs were prepared with soybean curd residue, alfalfa hay (ATMR) or Leymus chinensis hay

Rhizome severing increases root lifespan of Leymus chinensis in a typical steppe of Inner Mongolia.

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BACKGROUND Root lifespan is an important trait that determines plants' ability to acquire and conserve soil resources. There have been several studies investigating characteristics of root lifespan of both woody and herbaceous species. However, most of the studies have focused on non-clonal plants,

Plants can benefit from herbivory: stimulatory effects of sheep saliva on growth of Leymus chinensis.

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BACKGROUND Plants and herbivores can evolve beneficial interactions. Growth factors found in animal saliva are probably key factors underlying plant compensatory responses to herbivory. However, there is still a lack of knowledge about how animal saliva interacts with herbivory intensities and how

Isolating and evaluating lactic acid bacteria strains for effectiveness of Leymus chinensis silage fermentation.

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Five LAB strains were evaluated using the acid production ability test, morphological observation, Gram staining, physiological, biochemical and acid tolerance tests. All five strains (LP1, LP2, LP3, LC1 and LC2) grew at pH 4·0, and LP1 grew at 15°C. Strains LP1, LP2 and LP3 were identified as

Gibberellin stimulates regrowth after defoliation of sheepgrass (Leymus chinensis) by regulating expression of fructan-related genes.

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Gibberellins (GAs) affect forage growth and development; however, it is largely unknown how GAs regulate the metabolism of fructan (an important polysaccharide reserve in many cereals) and the regrowth of forage plants after defoliation. To explore the mechanism of the responses of defoliated

Effects of forage sources on rumen fermentation characteristics, performance, and microbial protein synthesis in midlactation cows.

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Eight multiparous Holstein cows (632±12 kg BW; 135±16 DIM) were used in a replicated 4×4 Latin square design to evaluate the effects of forage sources on rumen fermentation characteristics, performance, and microbial protein (MCP) synthesis. The forage portion of the diets contained alfalfa hay

Gut Transcriptome Analysis Shows Different Food Utilization Efficiency by the Grasshopper Oedaleous asiaticus (Orthoptera: Acrididae).

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Oedaleus asiaticus B. Bienko is a persistent pest occurring in north Asian grasslands. We found that O. asiaticus feeding on Stipa krylovii Roshev. had higher approximate digestibility (AD), efficiency of conversion of ingested food (ECI), and efficiency of conversion of digested food (ECD),

Dietary composition and spatial patterns of polar bear foraging on land in western Hudson Bay.

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BACKGROUND Flexible foraging strategies, such as prey switching, omnivory and food mixing, are key to surviving in a labile and changing environment. Polar bears (Ursus maritimus) in western Hudson Bay are versatile predators that use all of these strategies as they seasonally exploit resources

Effect of dietary forage sources on rumen microbiota, rumen fermentation and biogenic amines in dairy cows.

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BACKGROUND Fifteen lactating Holstein dairy cows were assigned to three diets in a 3 × 3 Latin square design to evaluate the effects of dietary forage sources on rumen microbiota, rumen fermentation and biogenic amines. Diets were isonitrogenous and isocaloric, with a forage/concentrate ratio of

Growth-defense trade-off regulated by hormones in grass plants growing under different grazing intensities.

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Herbivory creates conflicts between a plant's need to allocate resources for growth and defense. It is not yet clear how plants rebalance resource utilization between growth and defense in response to increasing grazing intensity. We measured characteristics of the primary and secondary metabolism

Differences in the compensatory growth of two co-occurring grass species in relation to water availability.

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We compared the potential for compensatory growth of two grass species from the Mongolian steppe that differ in their ability to persist under grazing: the rhizomatous Leymus chinensis and the caespitose Stipa krylovii, and investigated how this ability might be affected by drought. Plants were

Resource Reallocation of Two Grass Species During Regrowth After Defoliation.

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Defoliation is widely used for grassland management. Our understanding of how grass species adjust their regrowth and regain balance after defoliation remains limited. In the present study, we examined the regrowth processes of two dominant species after defoliation in grasslands in Inner Mongolia.

Dietary shifts influenced by livestock grazing shape the gut microbiota composition and co-occurrence networks in a local rodent species.

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The collapse of large wild herbivores with replacement of livestock is causing global plant community and diversity shifts, resulting in altered food availability and diet composition of other sympatric small herbivores in grasslands. How diet shifts affect the gut microbiota of small mammals and
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