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Two mulberry phytochelatin synthase genes confer zinc/cadmium tolerance and accumulation in transgenic Arabidopsis and tobacco.

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Phytochelatin synthase (PCS) is an enzyme involved in the synthesis of phytochelatins, cysteine-rich peptides which play a key role in heavy metal (HM) detoxification of plants. Mulberry (Morus L.), one of the most ecologically and economically important tree genera, has the potential to remediate

Strawberry necrotic shock virus is a distinct virus and not a strain of Tobacco streak virus.

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Fragaria (strawberry) and Rubus species (blackberry, wild blackberry, red raspberry and black raspberry) were thought to be infected with distinct isolates of Tobacco streak virus (TSV). Employing serology and nucleic acid hybridization it has been shown that these isolates form a cluster distinct

First Report of Tobacco ringspot virus in Blackberry (Rubus sp.) in Alabama.

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In 2006, primocane stunted growth and crumbly berry development were observed on 4-year-old Kiowa and Apache blackberry cultivars grown at the Chilton Research and Extension Center, Clanton, AL. Samples from affected plants were tested for virus infection by ELISA kits (Agdia, Inc., Elkhart, IN)

Ectopic Expression of Mulberry G-Proteins Alters Drought and Salt Stress Tolerance in Tobacco.

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Heterotrimeric guanine-nucleotide-binding proteins (G-proteins) play key roles in responses to various abiotic stress responses and tolerance in plants. However, the detailed mechanisms behind these roles remain unclear. Mulberry (Morus alba L.) can adapt to adverse abiotic stress conditions;
Osmotin and osmotin-like proteins are stress proteins belonging to the plant PR-5 group of proteins induced in several plant species in response to various types of biotic and abiotic stresses. We report here the overexpression of tobacco osmotin in transgenic mulberry plants under the control of a

Mulberry Transcription Factor MnDREB4A Confers Tolerance to Multiple Abiotic Stresses in Transgenic Tobacco.

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The dehydration responsive element binding (DREB) transcription factors have been reported to be involved in stress responses. Most studies have focused on DREB genes in subgroups A-1 and A-2 in herbaceous plants, but there have been few reports on the functions of DREBs from the A-3-A-6 subgroups

MaCDSP32 From Mulberry Enhances Resilience Post-drought by Regulating Antioxidant Activity and the Osmotic Content in Transgenic Tobacco.

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Desiccation tolerance is a complex phenomenon that depends on the regulated expression of numerous genes during dehydration and subsequent rehydration. Our previous study identified a chloroplast drought-induced stress protein (MaCDSP32) in mulberry, a thioredoxin (Trx) that is upregulated under

Identification and subcellular location of an RNA silencing suppressor encoded by mulberry crinkle leaf virus.

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Mulberry crinkle leaf virus (MCLV) is a novel geminivirus recently identified from the woody plant mulberry (Morus alba L.). Little is known about the functions of the proteins encoded by the MCLV genome. Here, all the MCLV-encoded proteins were examined for the ability to suppress gene silencing by

Molecular characterization of a hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase gene from mulberry (Morus alba L.).

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The genus Morus consists of trees and shrubs, which are distributed in temperate and subtropical regions. Commonly known as mulberry, a few of the Morus species are valued for their foliage, which constitutes the chief feed for mulberry silkworms. Steroids and isoprenoid compounds present in the

Bacterial Wilt of Mulberry (Morus alba) Caused by Enterobacter cloacae in China.

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In August of 2006, a new bacterial disease was noted in Hangzhou mulberry orchards of Zhejiang Province, China where bacterial wilt of mulberry caused by Ralstonia solanacearum was previously reported (3). In the summer, the disease caused severe wilt, especially on 1- or 2-year-old mulberry plants,

Pest categorisation of non-EU viruses of Rubus L

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The Panel on Plant Health of EFSA conducted a pest categorisation of 17 viruses of Rubus L. that were previously classified as either non-EU or of undetermined standing in a previous opinion. These infectious agents belong to different genera and are heterogeneous in their biology. Blackberry

Pest categorisation of non-EU viruses and viroids of Cydonia Mill., Malus Mill. and Pyrus L

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Following a request from the EU Commission, the Panel on Plant Health performed a pest categorisation of 17 viruses and viroids, herein called viruses, of Cydonia Mill., Malus Mill. and Pyrus L. determined as being either non-EU or of undetermined standing in a previous EFSA
Flavonoids are produced in all flowering plants in a wide range of tissues including in berry fruits. These compounds are of considerable interest for their biological activities, health benefits and potential pharmacological applications. However, transcriptomic and genomic resources

[Evaluation of a new medium, eggplant (Solanum melongena) agar as a screening medium for Cryptococcus neoformans in environmental samples].

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Cryptococcus neofomans is an encapsulated yeast-like fungus that causes life-threatening infections, especially in immunosuppresive patients. C.neoformans infection is believed to be acquired via inhalation of aerosolized particles from the environment. Avian guano, decaying tree hollows and soil

Plant G-protein β subunits positively regulate drought tolerance by elevating detoxification of ROS.

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Heterotrimeric guanine-nucleotide-binding proteins (G-proteins) consist of α, β and γ subunits and play important roles in response and tolerance to abiotic stresses in plants, but the function of the heterotrimeric G-protein β subunit in response to drought remains unclear. In the present study,
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