Autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) occurs when antibodies directed against the person's own red blood cells (RBCs) cause them to burst (lyse), leading to an insufficient number of oxygen-carrying red blood cells in the circulation. The lifetime of the RBCs is reduced from the normal 100–120 days to just a few days in serious cases. The intracellular components of the RBCs are released into the circulating blood and into tissues, leading to some of the characteristic symptoms of this condition. The ...
Léigh níos mó i WikipediaClóscríobh symptom nó galar agus léigh faoi luibheanna a d’fhéadfadh cabhrú, luibh a chlóscríobh agus galair agus comharthaí a úsáidtear ina choinne a fheiceáil.
* Tá an fhaisnéis uile bunaithe ar thaighde eolaíoch foilsithe