Catharanthus is a genus of flowering plants in the family Apocynaceae. Like the genus Vinca, they are known commonly as periwinkles. There are eight known species. Seven are endemic to Madagascar, though one, C. roseus, is widely naturalized around the world. The eighth species, C. pusillus, is native to India and Sri Lanka. The name Catharanthus comes from the Greek for 'pure flower'.These are perennial herbs with oppositely or almost oppositely arranged leaves. Flowers are usually solitary in the ...
Léigh níos mó i WikipediaClóscríobh symptom nó galar agus léigh faoi luibheanna a d’fhéadfadh cabhrú, luibh a chlóscríobh agus galair agus comharthaí a úsáidtear ina choinne a fheiceáil.
* Tá an fhaisnéis uile bunaithe ar thaighde eolaíoch foilsithe