Daphne odora, winter daphne, is a species of flowering plant in the family Thymelaeaceae, native to China, later spread to Japan and Korea. It is an evergreen shrub, grown for its very fragrant, fleshy, pale-pink, tubular flowers, each with 4 spreading lobes, and for its glossy foliage. It rarely fruits, producing red berries after flowering.
The Latin specific epithet odora means 'fragrant'.It grows best in fertile, slightly acid, peaty, well-drained soils. It grows in full sun or partial shade, ...
Clóscríobh symptom nó galar agus léigh faoi luibheanna a d’fhéadfadh cabhrú, luibh a chlóscríobh agus galair agus comharthaí a úsáidtear ina choinne a fheiceáil.
* Tá an fhaisnéis uile bunaithe ar thaighde eolaíoch foilsithe