Gastrointestinal decontamination for acute poisoning.
Gastric decontamination remains an important element in the therapy of pediatric poisoning; however, several issues remain unresolved. Additional studies, particularly in the clinical setting, are necessary to establish optimal therapeutic recommendations. Based on the data presented in this review, the following general recommendations can be made for gastric decontamination in children: If it is necessary to remove an ingested toxin, ipecac syrup is the preferred method if contraindications to its use are not present. The dose should be 30 ml in children older than 1 year of age and 10 ml in children 6 to 12 months of age. Pending further studies, the use of emetics in children younger than 6 months of age cannot be generally recommended, particularly in the home setting. Gastric lavage should be considered to be of very limited use in pediatric patients. Lavage using small nasogastric tubes, except under special circumstances, is nonproductive and cannot be advocated. If it must be used, a large-bore orogastric hose should be used. Administration of activated charcoal prior to lavage should be considered. In situations in which prompt induction of emesis is not possible or contraindications to emesis exist, activated charcoal followed by, or mixed with, a cathartic (preferably sorbitol) should be used as an alternative to removal of gastric contents. Patients with significant symptoms from ingestion requiring hospitalization should receive repeat doses of charcoal and cathartic until symptoms resolve. Activated charcoal should be given in conjunction with other appropriate therapies. Although the data to substantiate this recommendation are limited, particularly in pediatric patients, it is a benign therapy that holds promise of increasing drug elimination.