Glycosylated components of African swine fever virus particles.
Extracellular African swine fever (ASF) virus particles were specifically agglutinated by several lectins, suggesting the presence of surface glycosylated component(s) containing at least glucose, mannose, or both; galactose, N-acetylgalactosamine, or both; N-acetylneuraminic acid and N-acetylglucosamine, but not fucose. When virions were purified from infected Vero cells labeled with [14C]glucosamine, [14C]galactose and analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, no major structural glycoproteins were detected. However, several species of glycolipids were found when virions were extracted with organic solvents and analyzed by thin layer chromatography. These, plus two minor glycosylated structural components, of apparent mol wt 230K and 95K, could account for the agglutination of ASF virions with concanavalin A.