Identification of carcinogenic tannin isolated from Bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum).
We attempted to isolate a carcinogenic substance from bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum), a naturally occurring toxicant responsible for the production of chronic enzootic hematuria and urinary bladder cancer of cattle and carcinogenic for various target organs of several species. Hot methanol extracts of bracken fern were solubilized in water and extracted with chloroform followed by a mixture of n-butanol-butanone (1:1). That fraction was dried and triturated with ether-methanol (4:1), n-butanol, and finally absolute ethanol. The insoluble residue was dissolved in 10% aqueous methanol and passed through Dowex 1 OH-, Dowex 50 H+, or Dowex 1 OH- and then Dowex 50 H+ ion exchange resins. A condensed tannin, isolated from one ot the fractions, was identical to that isolated from bracken fern by the caffeine procedure used for the separation of tannins from other plant constituents. Three systems were used for bioassay; induction of bladder carcinoma by implantation of cholesterol pellets containing bracken fern fractions into the bladder lumens of mice; acute toxicity by ip injection of brachen fern fraction into mice; and growth inhibition of Escherichia coli. The following fractions induced significantly greater incidences of bladder carcinoma than did cholesterol pellets only: tannin, Dowex 50 H+, residue, n-butanol, and methanol. Tiliroside, a component of bracken fern fractions into the bladder lumens of mice; acute genic acid, and quercetin were not carcinogenic. Tannin was the most toxic (mean lethal dose: 0.16 mg/g) and carcinogenic. None of the carcinogenic fractions inhibited growth of E. coli.