[Tolerance of carbenoxolone sodium in elderly patients (author's transl)].
Eighteen elderly patients (average age 72.3 years) suffering from cardiac failure and from chronic gastric ulcers received carbenoxolone sodium, the risk of surgery being considered too high. The effects of this medical treatment were followed up closely. Side-effects were observed in 12 patients. In 9 patients these effects had to be taken care of (hypokalemia in 5 cases, rise of blood pressure in 3 cases, edema in 3 cases). In 2 cases treatment had to be stopped. The side effects observed in elderly patients with cardiac insufficiency make it mandatory to administer carbenoxolone sodium to this group only during hospitalization, which allows, frequent controls of body weight, blood pressure, serum potassium and transaminases. In most cases side effects can be detected early enough and treated.