Urinary excretion of ipecac alkaloids in human volunteers.
Limited data are available regarding urinary excretion of ipecac alkaloids in humans. In this study, ipecac syrup was administered po to 12 healthy human volunteers at a dose of either 20 mL or 30 mL, and urinary excretions of cephaeline and emetine as well as blood and vomit concentrations were detected by HPLC. All participants showed vomiting after the 30 mL dose within 1 h, whereas 2/6 did not show vomiting within 4 h after the 20 mL dose. Percentage recovery of alkaloids in vomit were 39 +/- 38 or 76 +/- 14% after the 20 mL or 30 mL doses, respectively. In most participants, plasma alkaloids reached their maximum levels within I h and became undetectable after 6 h. Total excretions of ipecac alkaloids into the urine within the first 48 h were less than 2%, but both alkaloids were detectable in the urine at 2w in all participants and could be detected up to 12w in 1/2 participants who did not vomit. These results show that ipecac alkaloids may be detectable in urine several weeks after ingestion and suggest that their detection in urine may be helpful to identify the Munchausen syndrome by proxy using ipecac syrup.