Haitian Creole


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AiltTrialacha cliniciúlaPaitinní
Leathanach 1 ó 48 torthaí

Alexia without agraphia following biopsy of a left thalamic tumor.

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Logáil Isteach / Cláraigh
Alexia without agraphia is a rare disconnection syndrome characterized by the loss of reading ability with retention of writing and verbal comprehension. We report a patient who developed alexia without agraphia after undergoing a biopsy for a malignant glioma involving the left thalamus. A

[Pure bilateral agraphia, right astereognosia and arithmetic defects associated with a left parietal tumor (author's transl)].

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Logáil Isteach / Cláraigh
A case of bilateral agraphia produced by a left parietal glioma is described in a 49 year-old right-handed woman. Hypothesis of a pure agraphia, etiology and non-frontal localisation of tumor are discussed. This agraphia is associated to a right astereognosia; neither functional nor behavioral

Alexia, without agraphia, due to brain tumor: a reversible syndrome.

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Logáil Isteach / Cláraigh
Alexia without agraphia occurred in a 41-year-old man suffering from a left occipital brain tumor. The syndrome disappeared following excision of the neoplasm.

Agraphia after awake surgery for brain tumor: new insights into the anatomo-functional network of writing.

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Logáil Isteach / Cláraigh
BACKGROUND Controversy still exists about neural basis underlying writing and its relation with the sites subserving oral language. Our objective is to study functional areas involved in writing network, based on the observations of different postoperative writing disorders in a population of

[The differential diagnosis of constructive agraphia and apraxia due to tumors of the posterior parietal lobe].

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Logáil Isteach / Cláraigh

Iconic reading in a case of alexia without agraphia caused by a brain tumor: a tachistoscopic study.

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Logáil Isteach / Cláraigh

[A new case of agraphia without aphasia, indicative of a metastatic tumor of the base of the left middle frontal gyrus].

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Logáil Isteach / Cláraigh

Right orbitofrontal tumor with pedophilia symptom and constructional apraxia sign.

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Logáil Isteach / Cláraigh
BACKGROUND Orbitofrontal abnormalities are associated with poor impulse control, altered sexual behavior, and sociopathy. OBJECTIVE To describe a patient with acquired pedophilia and a right orbitofrontal tumor who was unable to inhibit sexual urges despite preserved moral knowledge. METHODS Case

[A Skilled Typist with Typing Disorder Following Resection of a Left Frontal Lobe Tumor].

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Logáil Isteach / Cláraigh
We reported a male who showed typing disorders after resection of a tumor in the left posterior superior and middle frontal gyri. He was a right-handed Japanese in his 50s and was good at touch typing as a system engineer. After the tumor resection, he presented typing errors and slightly impaired

[Alexia and agraphia caused by a lesion of the right hemisphere in a non-aphasic right-handed patient].

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Logáil Isteach / Cláraigh
Oral and written speech centers are commonly attributed to the dominant hemisphere, while body, spatial and facial recognition to the non-dominant. This paper examines the case of a 63 year old entirely right-handed male who presents alexia, agraphia, difficulties in spelling and word-finding

Discrepant oral and written spelling after left hemisphere tumour.

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Logáil Isteach / Cláraigh
Repetition, reading, confrontation naming, and oral and written spelling were studied in a 57 year-old man with a left hemisphere tumour. These tasks were repeated over a period of two weeks when the patient was being treated for brain oedema prior and subsequent to neurosurgical intervention. In

[Developmental Gerstmann syndrome associated with cerebellar neoplasm. Report of a case and review of the literature].

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Logáil Isteach / Cláraigh
A Developmental Gerstmann syndrome in a 7 years-old-boy with hyperactivity, short attention span, acalculia, agraphia, right-left confusion, finger agnosia and constructional apraxia is reported. An initial trial with methylphenidate was done with good improvement regarding hyperactivity, attention

Alexia without agraphia.

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Logáil Isteach / Cláraigh
This typical case of alexia without agraphia, caused by an astrocytoma, is the first recorded case in the literature of alexia without agraphia with a right homonymous hemianopia caused by a tumor. This case differs from previously reported cases of the syndrome by its fluctuating clinical course
Abstract A 69-year-old right-handed man developed alexia with agraphia after resection of a brain tumor in the left parietal lobe. After the operation, neurological examination revealed right lower quadrantanopia, mild paresis and sensory disturbance on the right side. He showed marked alexia with

Transtentorial herniation with posterior cerebral artery territory infarction. A new mechanism of the syndrome of alexia without agraphia.

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Logáil Isteach / Cláraigh
A 39-year-old male developed a right homonymous hemianopsia and alexia without agraphia following emergency surgery for hemorrhage into a left frontal tumor. A computerized tomographic (CT) scan demonstrated low density areas in the left frontal region and in the territory of the left posterior
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Clóscríobh symptom nó galar agus léigh faoi luibheanna a d’fhéadfadh cabhrú, luibh a chlóscríobh agus galair agus comharthaí a úsáidtear ina choinne a fheiceáil.
* Tá an fhaisnéis uile bunaithe ar thaighde eolaíoch foilsithe

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