3 torthaí
Carissa edulis (forssk) vahl (Apocynaceae) is used traditionally for the treatment of headache, chest complaints, rheumatism, gonorrhoea, syphilis, rabies and as a diuretic. In the present study, the diuretic activity of different extracts of Carissa edulis was investigated. The diuretic activity of
The elemental concentrations of both plants and soils are sensitive to variations in precipitation due to the limiting roles of water on soil processes and plant growth in karst ecosystems of Southwestern China; however, precipitation is predicted to increase in this region. Nevertheless, it is
In this study, the effects of farm additives on eight wild plants from Nyamira County, Kenya were evaluated for their release of iron, copper, calcium, potassium and magnesium. A hundred and sixty traditional medicinal practitioners were surveyed and found to use Solanum indicum, Carissa edulis,