4 torthaí
The effect of temperature and oxygen on the in vivo oleate desaturation and microsomal oleate desaturase (FAD2) activity was studied in peeled developing sunflower seeds. Using an oxygen concentration that was saturating for FAD2 enzyme, the amount of linoleic acid increased for all studied
The effects of flooding, flooding with aeration, and no flooding of the root system on shoot growth was studied in sunflower plants. The responses of shoots appear to be brought about by: (1) The anaerobic condition of the roots which causes stem dwarfing, chlorosis, and petiolar epinasty. (2) The
In order to prevent the development of essential fatty acid deficiency, 19 premature babies and term infants needing parenteral nutrition were studied during 14 days. Intralipid 20% was administered to ten and sunflower seed oil was rubbed six times daily on the skin of nine infants. Fatty acid
Experiments were performed on intact sunflowers (Helianthus annuus) placed in a specially designed experimental chamber which allows instantaneous modifications of the atmospheric composition without changing any other conditions. After one night in normal conditions, the plant was illuminated under