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MitraClip Russia Trial

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Abbott Medical Devices

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The MitraClip System is the first commercially available catheter-based option for the treatment of MR. The MitraClip System was developed as an alternate percutaneous technology which may serve as a viable therapeutic option for patients at high risk for open-heart surgery. Treatment with the MitraClip device allows patients to undergo a less invasive procedure that can mechanistically reduce MR and allow for improved quality of life. The MitraClip procedure is performed under general anesthesia without the use of a heart-lung machine, with recovery typically lasting two to three days.
The objective of this study is to evaluate safety and effectiveness of the MitraClip NT procedure in the Russian population for treatment of Mitral Regurgitation.


Mitral regurgitation (MR) is the most common heart valve condition in the world. MR occurs when the mitral valve does not close properly, allowing blood to leak back into the upper chamber of the heart. As a result, the heart may try to pump harder in order to compensate for the decrease in blood flow to the rest of the body. Patients with severe MR suffer from debilitating symptoms such as shortness of breath, heart palpitations, lightheadedness, and fatigue. These patients are at risk of poor quality of life, marked limitation in activity, repeated heart failure hospitalizations, and increased mortality. Chronic severe MR is often associated with heart failure and can lead to death if left untreated.

While mitral valve repair or replacement surgery is currently regarded as standard of care, many patients with clinically significant MR are at an unacceptable risk of morbidity and mortality and are therefore not appropriate surgical candidates. To optimize afterload reduction and treatment of fluid load, these patients are often treated with medical management (i.e., beta blockers, ACE inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor blockers) which may relieve MR symptoms, but does not address the underlying cause of the condition. As a result, a significant portion of patients treated medically continue to progress to heart failure and experience an increasingly debilitating quality of life. A significant unmet clinical need thus exists for the treatment of moderate-to-severe and severe MR in high surgical risk patients.

The MitraClip System has been in clinical use for treatment of significant MR since 2003. The device received CE (Conformité Européenne) Mark for both DMR and FMR indications in March 2008 and was approved by FDA for DMR indication in October 2013 and for FMR indication in March 2019. The system is approved for use in more than 80 countries or regions. More than 80,000 patients have undergone the MitraClip procedure worldwide, with the majority of experience in high surgical risk patients.


Posljednja provjera: 06/30/2020
Prvo podneseno: 04/07/2020
Predviđena prijava poslana: 04/13/2020
Prvo objavljeno: 04/16/2020
Posljednje ažuriranje poslano: 07/22/2020
Posljednje ažuriranje objavljeno: 07/23/2020
Stvarni datum početka studija: 02/17/2020
Procijenjeni datum primarnog završetka: 10/29/2020
Procijenjeni datum završetka studije: 10/29/2020

Stanje ili bolest

Functional Mitral Regurgitation
Degenerrative Mitral Regurgitation

Intervencija / liječenje

Device: MitraClip



Grupe ruku

RukaIntervencija / liječenje
Experimental: MitraClip
Subject will receive MitraClip procedure with MitraClip NT System
Device: MitraClip
MitraClip procedure with MitraClip NT System

Kriterij prihvatljivosti

Dobni uvjeti za studiranje 18 Years Do 18 Years
Spolovi koji ispunjavaju uvjete za studijAll
Prihvaća zdrave volontereDa

Inclusion Criteria:

- Age 18 years or older.

- Symptomatic moderate-to-severe (3+) or severe MR (4+) chronic DMR or FMR determined by assessment of a qualifying transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE) obtained within 90 days or transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE) obtained within 180 days prior to subject registration.

- LVEF ≥ 30%

- NYHA classification is class II, class III, or ambulatory class IV.

- Subject is deemed difficult for mitral valve surgery due to either STS surgical mortality risk for mitral valve replacement of ≥ 8% OR due to the presence of one of the following risk factors (Porcelain aorta or mobile ascending aortic atheroma, Post-radiation mediastinum, Previous mediastinitis, Functional MR with LVEF<40%, Over 75 years old with LVEF<40%, Re-operation with patent grafts, Two or more prior cardiothoracic surgeries, Hepatic cirrhosis, Other surgical risk factor(s))

- Mitral valve area ≥ 4.0 cm2.

- The primary regurgitant jet is non-commisural, and in the opinion of the implanting investigator can successfully be treated by the MitraClip NT System. If a secondary jet exists, it must be considered clinically insignificant

Exclusion Criteria:

- Subject is currently participating in another clinical investigation

- Pregnant or nursing subjects and those who plan pregnancy during the clinical investigation follow up period

- Patients with the following conditions: Patients who cannot tolerate procedural anticoagulation or post procedural anti-platelet regimen; Active endocarditis of the mitral valve; Rheumatic mitral valve disease; Evidence of intracardiac, inferior vena cava (IVC) or femoral venous thrombus.

- Contraindications for reusable accessories (stabilizer, lift, support plate)

- Presence of other anatomic or comorbid conditions, or other medical, social, or psychological conditions that, in the investigator's opinion, could limit the subject's ability to participate in the clinical investigation or to comply with follow-up requirements, or impact the scientific soundness of the clinical investigation results


Primarne mjere ishoda

1. Number of patients with successful implantation of the MitraClip NT device [30-day]

Successful implantation of the MitraClip NT device resulting in a decrease in the MR severity grade as assessed from the discharge echocardiogram (10-day echocardiogram will be used if discharge is unavailable or uninterpretable). Subjects who die or undergo mitral valve surgery before discharge will be considered a failure for the procedure

Ostale mjere ishoda

1. Number of patients with technical successful implementation of the MitraClip NT device [Procedure]

Alive with successful access, delivery and retrieval of the device delivery system, and deployment and correct positioning of a Clip, and no need for additional unplanned or emergency surgery or re-intervention related to the device or access procedure Clinical Endpoints

2. Number or patients presenting device success [30 days]

Alive with original intended Clip(s) in place, and no additional surgical or interventional procedures related to access or device since completion of the original procedure, and intended performance of the Clip(s) with MR reduction to ≤ mild and freedom from device related Serious Adverse Events (SAE)s (i.e. embolization, mitral stenosis, single leaflet device attachment, Iatrogenic atrial septal defect, myocardial perforation, or the need for mitral valve replacement instead of repair due at least in part to the MitraClip procedure or the presence of the MitraClip NT device) Clinical Endpoints

3. Number of patients presenting procedural success [30 days]

No procedure related SAEs (i.e. death, stroke, MI, renal failure, and non-elective cardiovascular surgery for device or procedure related adverse events occurring after the attempted MitraClip procedure (i.e. femoral vein puncture for trans-septal access) Clinical Endpoints

4. Rate of all-cause mortality [10 days, 30 days]

Clinical Endpoints

5. Mitral Regurgitation Severity Grade [Baseline, 10 days, 30 days]

Mitral regurgitation (MR) severity is measured by echocardiography. The severity is categorized in 4 grades and presented in 1+, 2+, 3+ and 4+. Higher grade represent a worse outcome Echocardiographic Endpoints

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