Increased urinary excretion of indican was detected in earlier studies of patients with the form of progressive myoclonus epilepsy (PME) where no Lafora bodies are present in the brain and other tissues. Since then, all PME patients have been given sodium valproate and/or clonazepam. In a series of
It has been found that PME without Lafora bodies is more common in Finland than elsewhere. The incidence is 1:20,000. The mode of inheritance is autosomal recessive. At first the children are healthy. Stimulus-sensitive myoclonic jerks and grand mal seizures appear at the age of 6 to 15 years. The
L-Tryptophan was administered orally to 7 patients with progressive myoclonus epilepsy (PME) without Lafora bodies and 7 controls. Total and free plasma tryptophan wre subsequently measured at intervals. Concentration of free tryptophan was equal in the two groups. Total tryptophan was significantly
Thirty-one patients suffering from progressive myoclonus epilepsy, (also called Unverricht-Lundborg's disease) without Lafora bodies, were examined to check the findings reported in literature and to chart out the main abnormalities in routine laboratory findings. Many alterations could be pointed
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