Seven foundry workers are described who all developed pulmonary symptoms and in the majority of cases recurrent occupational fever; the onset of these episodes coincided with the introduction of a new founding technique resulting in exposure to magnesium oxide fumes. The foreman - most exposed
Twenty four crossbred (Large White, White Meaty, Pietrain, Hampshire) pigs were tested by DNA probe for a mutation on the ryanodine receptor RYR1 (malignant hyperthermia-MH). An equal number of pigs heterozygote (monomutant-MON) and normal on MH (nonmutant-NON) were used in the experiment. The pigs
To assess whether, in children, oral magnesium oxide reduces migrainous headache frequency, severity, and associated features compared to placebo.
There is no single, safe, widely well-tolerated, and effective prophylactic treatment for all children and adolescents with frequent
Gitelman syndrome (GS), also referred to as familial hypokalemia-hypomagnesemia, is characterized by hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis in combination with significant hypomagnesemia and low urinary calcium excretion. The prevalence is estimated at approximately 1:40,000 and accordingly, the prevalence
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