The decrease of tyrosine hydroxylase activity in adrenal homogenate in scurvy was recovered after the administration of ascorbic acid. The causes of the increase in the enzyme activity after the administration of ascorbic acid have been studied. 1. No significant elevation in the enzyme activity was
ABNORMALITIES OF TYROSINE METABOLISM ARE DISCUSSED UNDER FOUR HEADINGS: (1) accumulation of tyrosine and its metabolites secondary to severe liver damage, vitamin C deficiency, etc.; (2) transient neonatal tyrosinemia; (3) hereditarytyrosinosis with hepatorenal dysfunction where elevation of
Hypertyrosinemia tyrosine concentration in whole blood greater than 0.42 mmol/l or 7.5 mg/dl is prevalent among lnuit newborn of the Canadian Eastern Arctic. The rate was 14.8 per 100 newborn between January 1970 and December 1972 (first survey period) and 6.2/100 between January 1973 and September
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